Classical and Gothic Architecture 815W The cultures of the ancient Greeks and medieval Europeans were significantly influenced by religion. Greek Classicism brought about some of the most beautiful
Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture In modern society even a simple building holds many complex aspects, its program, structure, mechanical program, and expression. The author opens a view
Dematerialization of Architecture The history of discourses has been developed for centuries, and architecture have entered a phase of re-evaluation. Because of the prevalent technology and media of
Difference Between Eastern and Western Architecture The process of writing this thesis brings a great pleasure to me. It really broadens my mind and enlarges my vision. First of all, I would like to
Enterprise Architecture 1) The three key disciplines used to effectively construct a Foundation of Execution are: Operating Model This dictates the level of business process integration and standar
Fallingwater: American Architecture Photographs of Fallingwater, originally designed and built as a private home are, without question, breathtaking. Even so, photos do this work of art no justice.
French Architecture France is a country rich in architecture. You can spend all your days day walking through the streets of Paris, or any other region, visiting the museums, and taking pictures nex
Green Architecture 679W Green architecture is an approach to building which has become more popular in the last 25 to 30 years. Also known as sustainable design, green architecture is a method of de
WHAT IS ARCHITECTURE? Architecture is constructed around the formation of a design idea. Before defining what architecture is, one must first look at the designer and the process of design. Jane And
History of Modern Architecture How windows fit into a wall. In the old traditions of the revivalist architecture of the past (pre -1850), there were no windows on the buildings. Instead, what peopl
Islamic Architecture1076W During the reign of the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughal rulers, architecture and art took on more meaning than it had in the past. The types of architecture and manuscript w
Modern Architecture and Urban Planning City planning: Evolution of cities; principles of city planning; types of cities & new towns; planning regulations and building byelaws; eco-city concept; sust
Personal Statement 706W Architecture is in my opinion not just a demanding science and technology but also a fascinating art. After nearly five years of my undergraduate program as a major of Archit
Organic Architecture 732W One of the most striking personalities in the development of early-twentieth century architecture was Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959). Wright attended the University of Wisc
Social Significance of Architecture 949W The use of architecture to improve society dates back as far as any records go. Whether it was the Romans building coliseums, Egyptians constructing pyramids
SPACE DEFINING ARCHITECTURE An average population of the world views space and structure through the visual elements provided. Brick, tree, corridor, door, window, trim and carpet are only a few of
Sustainable Architecture 796W "Sustainable Architecture" - this phrase in recent years is mentioned a lot. The concept of "sustainable architecture" is associated, even identified with the concept o
The building in Renaissance Architecture[ Despite its history, the building is seen as one of the great examples of the new style. Its more notable features include: •The attempt to create a propor
The Influence of Sumba Culture on Local Architecture in Indonesia 1404W Architecture and culture are an inseparable unity. Both are complementary and mutually form a community or ethnic group identi
The Reason for Why the Korean Traditional Architecture Should Be Preserved 621W These days, the major talking point in design is sustainability. Then, what is sustainability and why is it necessary?
To See and Feel Architecture 999W Architecture is the process of designing environments, structures and landscapes. The ability to blend art with technical knowledge is a key element in architecture
To See and Feel Architecture 999W Architecture is the process of designing environments, structures and landscapes. The ability to blend art with technical knowledge is a key element in architecture