Marketing dissertation A growing demand of convenience for the consumer and new forms of consumption, alongside technological transformation and information accessibility have changed the fashion ind
Marketing dissertation A growing demand of convenience for the consumer and new forms of consumption, alongside technological transformation and information accessibility have changed the fashion ind
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workers write writing years. yet ‘passive
Marketing dissertation
A growing demand of convenience for the consumer and new forms of consumption, alongside technological transformation and information accessibility have changed the fashion industry. Retailers have increased their flexibility in terms of product supply and quality, Fast fashion arose following a series of events. Firstly, globalization of production, supply and trade allowed new principles of sourcing and operations, which are often deemed as unethical and destructive to the global job market (Fernie and Perry, 2019; Jones, 2019; Bruce et al., 2019; Auchter, 2019). Throwaway fashion grew in popularity, in line with the trends of consumerism and self-expression through fashion (Sudbury and Böltner, 2019; Filieri, 2015). Information abundancy, followingto fashion trends, as well as introduced dynamic pricing and marketing strategies, enabling them to maintain a profitable position in an increasingly competitive environment (Bhardwaj and Fairhurst, 2019). Additionally, societal demands have urged organizations to combine traditional offline tools with digital platforms and corporate social media (Mohr, 2019; Manikonda et al., 2019). New York retailers have vastly turned to online