Adverse Childhood Experiences In the original paper on Adverse Childhood Experiences, in their abstract background the authors: Logan-Greene, Tennyson, Nurius, and Borja (2019), emphasized: Emotional
Adverse Childhood Experiences In the original paper on Adverse Childhood Experiences, in their abstract background the authors: Logan-Greene, Tennyson, Nurius, and Borja (2019), emphasized: Emotional
$15,000 & (%) (0 (1) (10.2%) (17.5%) (18.4%) (1995). (1998). (2) (20.4%) (20.9%) (2000). (2001). (2002). (2003). (2004). (2004a). (2004b). (2005). (2006). (2007). (2008). (2009), (2009). (2010). (2011). (2012). (2013). (2014) (2014). (2015). (2016) (2016). (2017) (2017). (2019), (25.1%) (26.5%) (29.6%) (3) (32.5%) (35.9%) (37.2%) (43.8%) (76.4%) (8.4%) (ACE) (ACEs) (ACEs; (Abram (Agnew (Arata (Arnow (Baglivio (Barnoski (Barrett (Black, (Burke (CJAA) (Cauffman (Chapman (Choi (Chu (Craig (Cronholm (Danese (Dawson (Desai (Downey (Duke (Evans (Fagan (Felitti (Figs. 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(particularly (r (range (see (usually (which *pB0.05;**pB0.01;***pB0.001 0.00, 0.4% 0.47); 0.67, 0.68, 0.70). 0.78). 0.79, 0.94) 0.97) 0.99, 0123 03), 08 0–4). 0–6). 1 1). 1, 1.027 1.18, 1.24) 1.34, 1.46). 1.6% 1.86, 1.Mentalhealthproblem 10% 1001/archpsyc.59.12.1133. 1010–1019. 106(1), 107(2), 108–116. 109(Supplement 1098 10–15. 10–17. 11(1), 111(3), 1111–1122. 1124 1133–1143. 114–124. 114–128. 115(6), 116–119. 12(2), 123 12345678 125(4), 129(1), 13(2), 132-item 1336–1343. 134(1), 1342. 1351 139(6), 14(4), 14260, 143–153. 1453–1460. 1498–1512. 15(1), 15.5 1527–1545. 1542/peds.2011-2663. 1548–1555. 156, 1586–1593. 159(9), 1592 159–187. 160(8), 162(7), 163–173. 169–190. 17(8), 17, 17.5% 17208–17212. 17439760903157166. 1745-9125.2006.00058.x. 1749 18(2), 1933 1964 1995). 1997, 1998). 1998; 1999. 1–18. 1–23. 2 2), 2). 2.1. 2.MHprobleminterferes0.450*** 2000), 2001). 2002 2002), 2002). 2003 2003; 2004). 2004-1459. 2004; 2004a) 2004a). 2004b). 2005), 2005). 2006), 2006). 2006; 2007), 2007). 2007; 2008). 2008; 2009) 2009). 2010). 2010; 2011), 2011). 2011); 2012), 2012). 2012; 2013). 2013. 2013; 2014 2014) 2014), 2014). 2014; 2015). 2015; 2016), 2016). 2016; 2017), 2017). 2017; 204–214. 21(1), 217–225. 217–229. 22(1), 22(7), 22(special 228. 229–241. 23(3), 23(special 230–237. 2356 24(3), 24(4), 245–258. 249–264. 25 25.1% 25.8% 26–43. 281–290. 287–307. 29(6), 29.6% 291–300. 29–39. 3 3(2), 3) 3.1% 3.2% 3.Suicideideation0.433***0.256*** 30. 31(1), 31(4), 319–361. 32(3), 32.8% 33(4), 34(11), 34(2), 35(6), 354–361. 361–382. 37(1), 37(2), 37(4), 37.9% 379–387. 38(1), 38(4), 39(5), 393–415. 3–15. 3–20. 3–5. 4 4(6), 4, 4.Maltreatment0.256***0.178***0.151*** 40(3), 40(7), 408–413. 41, 425–440. 43(3), 43(9), 432–438. 44(3), 45% 45(3), 45(8), 45, 451–481. 454 46, 46:923–946 47(3), 47(9), 48.0% 48–63. 49(3), 491–495. 493–507. 493–516. 496–505. 498–506. 5 5(2), 5(3), 5-year 5.Familydysfunction0.087***0.062***0.0340.336*** 51(1), 521–526. 5378) 5378), 54(5), 547 548–556. 56(1), 564–572. 57(2), 59(12), 59.8% 593–630. 6(3), 6.1% 6.3% 6.7% 6.8% 6.Socialdisadvantage-0.049***-0.007-0.031*0.157***0.373*** 60% 616–623. 61–73. 624–645. 631–649. 64% 64.1% 65, 65–75. 685 68–84. 7, 7.Impulsecontrol-0.174***-0.164***-0.097*-0.226***-0.132***-0.169*** 70% 715– 74, 75% 7–26. 8.4% 8.Aspirations-0.159***-0.193***-0.209***-0.209***-0.128***-0.161***0.504*** 82(2), 83(3), 842–855. 877–895. 9 9.Socialsupport-0.205***-0.225***-0.078***-0.138***-0.079***-0.035*0.089***0.126*** 90% 924. 924–936. 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 939–954. 940 941 942 943 944 989 = A A. A., ACE ACE-mental ACEs ACEs, ACEs. Abnormal Abram, Abrams Abrams, Abuse Academy Accountability Acheson, Acknowledgements Act Act’s Adaptive Additionally, Administrators Adolescence, Adolescent Advancing Adverse Affective African-American, AfricanAmerican, Age-0.049(0.024)-0.0920.952*0.005(0.042)-0.0151.0050.027(0.043)0.0221.027 Aging, Agnew, Ahrens, Alcoholism: Aldwin Aldwin, All Almost Although American American, Americans, Among An Analytic Anda, Approach Arata, Archives Arnow, As Aseltine, Asian Asian), Aspirations Aspirations-0.160(0.051)-0.1750.852**-0.561(0.086)-0.4780.571***-0.365(0.086)-0.3250.694*** Aspirations9disadvantage0.021(0.051)0.0231.0210.276(0.091)0.3041.318**-0.072(0.090)-0.0790.931 Aspirations9dysfunction-0.036(0.038)-0.0540.964-0.260(0.065)-0.3850.771***0.023(0.065)0.0341.023 Aspirations9maltreatment0.042(0.046)0.0541.0430.076(0.074)0.0961.0790.086(0.073)0.1091.090 Aspirationsmaineffects-0.388(0.084)-0.3030.678***-0.812(0.149)-0.6340.444***-0.627(0.146)-0.4900.534*** Assessing Assessment Associates, Association Associations At Award B(SE)BOR(sig)B(SE)BOR(sig)B(SE)BOR(sig) B. B., BMC Baglivio, Bair-Merritt, Baldy Bambra, Barnoski Barnoski, Barrett Barrett, Barth Barth, Because Behavior Behavior, Behavioral Being Berkel, Bivariate Black-0.889(0.089)-0.3810.411***-0.886(0.173)-0.3830.412***-0.893(0.173)-0.3860.409*** Blueprint Board Bohl Borja Borja, Borowsky, Bowers, Briefly, Briggs, Brinker, Brown, Bucci, Buffalo, Building Bulletin, Burke, By C. C., Calhoun Calhoun, Care Carlson, Carrio Carrion, Cascades Cass, Caucasian Caucasian, Cauffman, Center Chapman, Child Childhood Children Choe, Choi, Chu Chu, Cicchetti Cicchetti, Classification75.9%93.6%93.8% Clinical Cocozza Cocozza, Coffey, Cohn, Cohoon, College Community Comparative Complex Compliance Compromised Computational Conceptual Conclusions Congruent Consistent Conversely, Conflict Cook Copeland-Linder, Coping Corso Corso, Cortes, Counselors Count County County, Court Court-Involved Courtney, Craig, Crime Criminal Criminality, Criminology, Cronholm, Cumulative Curtis, D. D., Danese, Data Davis Davis, Dawson, Degenhardt, Delinquency Delinquency, Delmar, Delmar: Demography Desai, Despite Development Development, Developmental Diamond, Dichotomized Dierkhising Dierkhising, Differential Disadvantage Discussion Disorders, Do Dobbins, Doll, Dong, Downey, Dr. Dube Dube, Duke, Dulcan, Dysfunction E. E., Earls, Early Easton, Eccles Eccles, Ecology Ecology, Economic Edwards Edwards, Elucidating Emotion Emotion, Emotional Emphasis Empirical Environmental Epps Epps, Ethical Eugene Eunice European Evaluating Evans Evans, Even Examining Executive Expanding Experienced Experiences Experiences, Experiences—frequency Experimental Exposure F. F., Factors Fagan, Family Familydysfunction-0.078(0.117)-0.0970.925-0.173(0.129)-0.2140.841-0.118(0.169)-0.1460.889 Familydysfunction0.038(0.031)0.0471.039-0.110(0.065)-0.1350.896-0.029(0.059)-0.0360.971 Familydysfunction0.039(0.032)0.0481.0390.005(0.063)0.0071.005-0.015(0.058)-0.0180.985 Familydysfunction0.040(0.031)0.0491.0410.017(0.054)0.0211.017-0.037(0.055)-0.0460.964 Fang Fang, Farag, Farrington, Fast Fast, Fazel Fazel, February Felitti Felitti, Fig. Figure Figures Finally, Findings Finkelhor, First, Florida Flouri Flouri, Focus For Forke, Fortunately, Forum Fox Fox, French, From Further Further, Furthermore, Future G. G., GST GST, Gallagher, Garland, Garner, Gaylord-Harden, Gender Gendera-0.080(0.083)-0.0310.9240.195(0.149)0.0411.099-0.381(0.135)-0.1600.683** General Giles, Goldweber, Gonzalez, Gore, Goulet, Graduate Grant Grant, Green, Grisso, Growing Gudmunson, Guilford Gundy, Gunnar, Gutie H. H., HD042828, Hafner, Hall, Hard Hardt Hardt, Harkins-Schwarz, Hatzenbuehler, Hawaiians, Hayes Hayes, Health Health, Hearps, Hellman, Helsinki Hernandez Herts Herts, Heterogeneous Hevey Hevey, Hewitt, Hill Hill, Hirschfield, Hoge, Holden, Hollist Hollist, Hostinar, Hough, Houston, However, Hughes, Human Huq, I. I., Identifying Illinois, Implications Importantly, Impulse Impulsecontrol Impulsecontrol-0.451(0.062)-0.2000.637***-0.678(0.120)-0.3570.507***-0.398(0.112)-0.1750.672*** Impulsecontrol9disadvantage-0.101(0.065)-0.0910.904-0.059(0.130)-0.0530.943-0.075(0.377)-0.0680.928 Impulsecontrol9dysfunction-0.036(0.048)-0.430.965-0.066(0.094)-0.0800.9360.083(0.088)0.1001.087 Impulsecontrol9maltreatment0.143(0.054)0.1421.153**0.122(0.098)0.1211.129-0.030(0.091)-0.3030.971 Impulsecontrolmaineffects0.532(0.040)-0.4210.548***-1.077(0.174)-0.7550.341***-0.620(0.155)-0.4340.538*** In Inc. Indeed, Indicators Individuals Inequalities Informal Inquiry, Institute Institutes Institutional Instrument International Interpreting Intervention Introduction Iowa Iowans. Isaias Issues, It J. J., Jackowski Jackowski, January Jarjoura, Jennings, Johnson, Johnson–Neyman Jonson-Reid, Joshi, Journal Justice Justice, Justice. Juvenile K. K., Kalkhoff, Kaplan, Kataoka, Katsiyannis, Kennedy Kiff, Kilmer, Kim Kim, King, Kinner Kinner, Ko, Koita, Kort-Butler, L. L., La Landsverk, Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Lastly, Latino, Latino-0.66(0.235)0.1120.407***-0.072(0.486)0.0190.358***-0.093(0.504)0.0241.10 Latinos Lau, Law Lee, Legislature Lengua Lengua, Lexcen, Li, Life Limitations Loeber, Logan-Greene Logan-Greene, Logistic Longitudinal Lopez Lopez, Losen, Lovallo, Lowered M M. M., M.-T., MH20010 Madrid, Maguin Maine Maltreatment Maltreatment0.143(0.054)0.5171.702***0.582(0.070)0.5661.790***0.476(0.066)0.4631.609*** Maltreatment0.477(0.040)0.4811.612***0.463(0.065)0.4671.589***0.449(0.064)0.4511.567*** Maltreatment0.534(0.039)0.5191.706***0.591(0.071)0.5751.806***0.512(0.066)0.4981.669*** Maltreatment0.600(0.135)0.5841.823***0.440(0.137)0.4281.553***0.182(0.173)0.1761.199 Maluo Manasse, Many Marques, Martinez, Maschi, Massachusetts Masten, Matthes Matthes, McBride McCabe, McClelland, McElroy McElroy, McEwen McEwen, McLaughlin, McMorris, Measures Medicine, Mental MentalhealthproblemMentalhealthinterfereswithprobationSuicideideation MentalhealthproblemMentalhealthprobleminterfereswithprobationSuicideideation Mericle, Meta-analysis Methods Methods, Migdole, Mileusnic, Mississippi Moderators Moran, Moreover, Most Murry Murry, N. N., NY NY: NYU NagelkerkeR20.2080.2200.124 Nation, National Native Needell, Neglect Neglect, Neighborhood Network. New Next, No Nordenberg, Number Nurius Nurius, OLS ObO13e31817eecf3. Offender Oh, Oklahoma Olympia, Olympia: Once Online, Online: Only Or, Ormrod, Other), Otherrace-1.365(0.169)-0.4810.255***-1.198(0.324)-0.3890.333***-1.225(0.332)-0.4330.294*** Our Over Overall, O’Brien, P. P., PA: PROCESS Pang, Parenting Parents’ Patricia Patterns Patton, Paula Pediatrics, Perceived Perez Perez, Perspectives, Pettingell, Physiology Pierce Pinchevsky, Piquero, Pittsburgh, Plot Policy Policy. Poly-victimization: Poor Positive Posttraumatic Power Present Press. Prevalence Prevention Preventive Previous Prior Probation Problems Proceedings Program’’, Project. Protective Psychiatric Psychiatry Psychiatry, Psychological Psychology Psychology, Psychopathology Psychopathology, Psychotraumatology. Public Purewal Purewal, Putnam-Hornstein, Puzzanchera Puzzanchera, Pynoos, Quantitative R. R., R24 Racial Ramiro, Rebbe Rebbe, Rebellon, Recent References Regressions Regressionscontrolforalldemographics Relations Relationship Relationships Reports, Research Research, Resources Results Retrieved Review Review, Rhodes, Riva Riva, Robbins, Robert Robert, Routine Rubin, S. S., SAS SAS. SD SPSS Sacks Sacks, Sample Saucier, Sawyer, Sayedul Schaefer, Schaible, Schilling Schilling, School Schoon, Science Science, Sciences Sciences, Scott Scott, Screening Seattle, Seeman, Sequelae Services Sharon Shea, Sheer, Shelly Shonkoff, Shriver Shufelt, Shulman, Sickmund, Siegel, Silve Skowyra, Smith, Social Socialdisadvantage-0.258(0.042)-0.2430.773***-0.130(0.083)-0.1230.878-0.300(0.083)-0.2830.741*** Socialdisadvantage-0.285(0.042)-0.2640.752***-0.295(0.074)-0.2780.745***-0.289(0.075)-0.2710.749*** Socialdisadvantage-0.290(0.044)-0.2730.748***-0.275(0.089)-0.2590.760**-0.284(0.083)-0.2680.753*** Socialdisadvantage-0.301(0.151)-0.2830.740*-0.088(0.164)-0.0830.916-0.111(0.217)-0.1050.895 Socially Socialsupport Socialsupport-0.610(0.069)-0.2860.544***-0.778(0.074)-0.3690.459***-0.234(0.101)-0.1130.791* Socialsupport9disadvantage0.037(0.080)0.0691.038-0.066(0.094)-0.1220.936-0.066(0.321)-0.1230.936 Socialsupport9dysfunction-0.301(0.151)0.1551.0660.115(0.072)0.2781.1220.043(0.090)0.1051.044 Socialsupport9maltreatment-0.033(0.072)-0.0620.9680.075(0.078)0.1421.0780.198(0.094)0.3751.220* Socialsupportmaineffects-0.742(0.132)-0.3490.476***-1.119(0.161)-0.5260.327***-0.680(0.195)-0.3200.506*** Sorocco, Specifying Specifically, Sprague Sprague, Stability Standards State State) States States, Stellern, Strain Stress Structuring Studies Study Study. Suicidal Swartz, System T. T., T32 TJ TL1TR000422, TX, Table Table2CorrelationsbetweenACEscalesandcopingfactors Table3Regressions(ORs)usingACEsandcopingfactorstoexplainmentalhealthoutcomes Table4Regression-basedtestsofmoderation:copingfactorswithACEsonmentalhealth Table4continued Taylor Taylor, Tedeschi, Tennyson Tennyson, Teplin Teplin, That The Their Theory Therapy There Therefore, These They This Thomas, Thompson, Thornberry Thornberry, Those Three, Thus, To Total Training Translational Traub, Trauma Trauma, Traumatic Triplett, Turner, Typically, Tzavidis Tzavidis, US US. USA Understanding Underwood Underwood, Unfortunately, United University Unmet Unsurprisingly, Using V. V., Validating Van Variables Variation Vellaisamy, Verona, Victimization Vincent, Violence Violence. W. W., WA, WA: WSCJA WSJCA Wade Wade, Wang Wang, Washburn, Washington Washington, Washington. Way, We Weems, Wells, Western Whipple, White, Whitfield, Williamson, Wolff, Wood, Woods-Jaeger, Work Work, Wright, X., Y. Y., Yancura Yancura, Yeh, York: Youth Zalewski, Zero Zhang, a a0021788. aFemale=1,Male=2.Racialreferentgroup=Caucasian abilities, ability able) abnormal about abstract abuse abuse, accepted access access. accordance accounted accounting accumulate, accumulates accumulating accumulation accurately achieve acknowledge across act, acting action. acts, acts. adaptive adaptively added addition addition, additional address addressed adds administrative adolescence, adolescent adolescents adolescents. adolescents’ adopted adoption adult adulthood. adulthood: adults adults: advance adverse adversities adversities, adversity adversity, adversity. adversity; adversity–childhood adversity—childhood affect affected affective affects after age agency agerelated aggression aggressive aggressively aging aimed aims al. alcohol aligns all allocate allocation allocation. allostasis, allostatic allow almost alone. alongside also alternatively, ameliorate ameliorated ameliorative amendments among an analogous analyses analyses, analysis analysis. analysis: anchors and and, and/or and[0.09. anger. answer answers, antisocial anxiety, any apparent appear appeared appendices. applied apply approach approach. appropriate. appropriately approved are areas argue argues arguments. arrests: as asking aspects aspiration aspirational aspirations aspirations, aspirations. aspirations—they assess assessed assessed, assesses assessing assessment assessment, assessment. assessments assessments, associated association association. associations assumes assumption. at at-risk attempts: attention attention-deficit attenuate attraction attributable author authority authors authors: availability available avenues average avoid background backgrounds barriers base based baseline, basic be be. because become been before beginning behave behavior behavior. behavior: behavioral behaviors behaviors, behaviors. belief beliefs. below below) benefit best betas better between beyond bi- biological biopsychosocial bivariate blames body body’s bolster bolsters bonds both boys breadth broadly buffer buffering buffers builds burden burdens but but, by calls calming can capacities capacity capacity. capture capturing care care) care. care: carried carries carry cascade cascades cascades. case catalyze catalyzing causal cause caused causes cell certainty challenges challenges, change change. change: changes changes—poor characteristics characteristics. charge child childhood children children. children: children’s chronic circumstances, city, class cleaning. clear clinical close clustered co-occur co-occurrence. cognition cognitive coherent, collaborated collapsed collaterals, collected collective com/slopes.htm. combination come commits committee commonly communities communities, community community-based comparable compare compared comparing compassion? complementary completed complex complicated component composition compound compounded comprehensive comprise compromise concept concern concern. concerning concurrent conditional conditions. conducted confer congruent consensus consequences consider consideration considerations considered consistent consistently constraining constraints constraints. constructively consulting contact containing context contextual contrary contrasts contributes contributing contribution contribution. contributions contributor contributors contributors, control control). control, control. controlling convey confirmation conflict conflicts cope coping coping. corollary correctional correlates correlations. could counterparts country country. county course court court-involved courtinvolved courts courts. created creating crime criminal criminalization, criminological critical cross-sectional crucial cumulative current custodial cycle damaging danger data data, data. databases) dataset dataset. date death death—over decades decisionmaking decisions declaration declare decrease decreased deemed delays delinquency delinquency, delinquency. delinquency: delinquency; delinquent delivered delivery demands demographic demographics demographics, demonstrate demonstrated demonstrates demonstrating dependence dependent depression, depressive deprivation deprivation, descriptive designed detail detailed detention detention. determine determining detrimental develop developing development development, development. developmental develops deficits diagnosed diagnoses diagnoses, diagnosis diagnosis, diagnosis. dichotomized dichotomous did differ differences different differential differential, differentiate differentiates differing difficult, difficulties difficulties, difficulties. dimensionality dimensions diminished direct direct, directed, directing direction direction; directions directly disabilities. disadvantage disadvantage) disadvantage). disadvantage, disadvantage. disadvantaged disadvantage—contribute discount discounting discounting. disease. disorder disorder, disorders display displays disproportionate disrupt disrupted disrupting distal distinctive distinguish distress district district, disturbingly diverse diversity do does doi:10. doi:10.1007/s10896-0179909-4. doi:10.1007/s10964-013-0049-8. doi:10.1007/s10964-016-0519-x. doi:10.1016/S0749-3797(98)00017-8. doi:10.1016/j. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2007.06.003. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2010.02.012. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2011.02.006. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.01.011. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2013.10.003. doi:10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2009.06.005. doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2011.08.019. doi:10.1017/S0954579410000222. doi:10.1017/S0954579411000411. doi:10.1037/ doi:10.1073/ doi:10.1080/ doi:10.1080/15374416.2015.1110823. doi:10.1080/19361521.2013.811459. doi:10.1097/CHI. doi:10.1097/CHI.0b013e318160b3ce. doi:10.1111/j. doi:10.1111/j.1745-9125.1995.tb01186.x. doi:10.1177/0022427801038004001. doi:10.1177/0956797612457950. doi:10.1177/1063426612470514. doi:10.1177/1541204007301292. doi:10.1177/1541204014566286. doi:10.1177/1541204016630033. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-7-30. doi:10.1207/s15327965pli1501_01. doi:10.1542/peds. doi:10.1542/peds.2009-0597. doi:10.3390/ijerph13020228. doi:10.3402/ejpt.v4i0.20274. domain domains drug drugs due dummy during dynamic dysfunction dysfunction, dysfunction. dysregulation e13–e20. e232–e246. e778–e786. each early easier ecologies economic economically effect effect. effectively effectiveness effects effects. effortful efficacy eight either elevated elevates elucidate elucidating emerge emerged emotion, emotional emotional, emotions emphasis emphasized: empirical empirically employed employment enacted encountered encourage endorsing engagement engages engaging enter environmental environments epidemiologic equitable equivalent eroded error especially estimated et ethical ethnic ethnicity ethnicity), events events. everyone everything: evidence evidence. evident examination examinations examine examined examining example, excellent excluded. executive exist. expanded expectancies expectations. expected expected, expected. experience experienced experiences experiences, experiences. experiences: explained explaining explains explanations, explored exposed exposure exposures exposures, extant extended extends extensive external extremes face, faced facets facilities: factor factors factors, factors. factor’s failure fairly families families, families: family family, family-based father, feel females few fewer focus focusing following follows: food for form formally formats forms forms, forms: foster fostering found foundation foundations four four), fourth framework frameworks. frequencies frequently friends friends. from from, full fuller function functioning fundamentally funneled further future future-oriented gain gaining gains. gap gender general generalizability geographic germane get girls goal goals goals, goals; good governmental governments grant graphs greater greatest group group, groups growing growth: guidance guide had happen harm has have having health health, health-promoting health-risk health. health: healthy heated heavy help helpful her here here, here. high high, high-risk high. higher highlight highlights his histories history holds home homelessness hope horizons hormone hospitalized hospitalized, household how however, http://www.jeremydawson. human hyper-arousal, hyper-reactivity, hypotheses hypothesis hypothesize hypothesized hypothesized. ideation ideation) ideation, ideation. identify identification identified identified, identifies if illicit illness illness. immediate impact impacted impactful impacts impacts, impaired impairing impairment impairment. implementation implementations. implemented implication importance important importantly impoverished imprisonment improve improved improved. improvement improving impulse impulsive in in-depth inability incarcerated, incarceration include included includes including inclusion inclusive income income, incorporating increase increased increases increases, increasing independent independently index.html. indexes indicate indicator, indicators indicators, indicators. individual individuals individuals’ individual’s inequalities inequity. information information). infrastructure inhibitory initial initially injustice injustices insecurity insight insights instead institutional institutions instructed instrument insults insurance insurance) insurance, integrated integrated, integrates integrity interact interact. interaction interaction, interactions interactions, interest interest. interfered interferes intergenerational internationally interpretation interpreting interrelatedness interrelation interrupted interrupting intervening intervention interventions interventions. interviewing intimate into inverse inversely invested investigating investment involved involvement involves involving influence influences is is, isolation issue issue, issues it item item. items items. items: its jcrimjus.2012.02.001. judicial jurisdiction jurisdictions just justice justice-involved juvenile juveniles key kind labeled lack lacked lag lags. laid large large, largely larger, largest last latent later lead leading leads least left legal lens less level levels levels, levels. life life, life. lifelong lifespan lifetimes like likelihood likely likely, likely. limit limitation limitations limited limiting line linear lines link linkages linkages. linked linking links literature literature, literature. little lives living load load, local logistic long long-lasting long-term longitudinal low low-income lower lowered macro made main maintained maintaining majority makes making maladaptive maldevelopment— male males malleable maltreatment maltreatment, maltreatment. maltreatment: maltreatment; management, manifest manual, manuscript. many marginalized matched-control matters: may mean meaning measure measured measurement measures measuring mechanism mechanisms mechanisms)—and mechanisms. mediate mediates mediating mediation, mediators medical meet member mental merit met, metaanalysis metaregression metasynthesis method metropolitan mid-size middle might minimized minimum minorities minority minors, miss missing mitigating mitigation mixed model model. models models, models. moderate moderated moderating moderation moderation, moderator moderators monitor monitored months mood mood, more more. most mother, motivate much multi-form multi-item multi-state multi-type multicohort, multicollinearity. multimethodological multiple multiplicative multiplicity multivariate n.d.) n.d.). national nature near need needs needs, needs. negative neglect neglect, neglected neighborhood net neural neurobiological neurogenesis neurological next nine no none nor not not, note, noted noting. number nutritional observed occur odds of offender offenders offenders. offenders: offending offenses offering often officers officers, officers. on one ongoing. only opportunities opportunity opposed opposite optimism, optimism. or order original orphanages. other others our out out-of-home outcomes outcomes, outcomes. outlook, outside over overwhelm overwhelmed, p\0.001, paper parameters, parent parental parenting parenting; parse part partially participants particular particularly partner parts past path pathways pathways. patients pattern patterns, pediatric peer peers peers, perceived performed perhaps period: perpetration: persistent person personality personnel personnel. personnel’s perspective pertain pertaining physical pipeline: place placed placement placements placements. places planning planning) planning, play plus pnas.1121246109. point pointed poor poor: poorer population population-based population. populations populations, populations. portion positions positive positively possible post-traumatic potential potentially poverty poverty) poverty, practical practitioners precursors, predict predicted predicting predictor predictors predispose predisposing premises preparation presence present present, presentation presented presents pressure pressures prevalence prevalence. prevent preventing prevention prevention-based prevention-oriented preventive previous previously primarily primary prior priority, prison: probation probation, probation. probed probed. probing probing, problem problem, problematic problems problems, problems. procedures procedures. process processes processing professionals programming programming. programs promise prone proportion prosocial prospective protective protective, provide provided provides providing proximal profiles, psychiatric psychological psychopathology psychopathology. psychosocial public punitively, put quarter question question. questions race race, race. race/ethnicity race/ethnicity. racial raises range ranges ranging rarely rater rates rather ratios), re-offense: reactive reader readily reason, recall receive received received, receiving recent recidivism recidivism, recidivism. recidivism: records recover rectify reduce reduced reducing reference reform. regards regional regions regression regression: regressionbased regulation, regulation. regulatory rehabilitation related relation relation. relations relations, relationship relationship: relationships relative relatively reliable relieving rely remained removal reoffending? repeated report report. reported reporting reports represent representation representativeness represented require requirements, requires research research, research-based research. researchers reservations, residential resilience resilience-fostering resilience. resolve resort resource resources resources, resources. resources–impulse respect respectively respectively. respondents: responding, response responses responses, responses? responsibility result resulting results retrospective returning reveal reveals review review. reward reward. reflect reflected reflecting reflective risk risk-taking risks risky robust role roles routinely rural salient same same-age sample sample, sample. samples samples, scale scale. scales scales. scaling, school school-to-prison school. scope scores screening second, secondary security— seen self-control self-efficacy self-esteem self-regulation self-regulation, self-regulatory self-report selfcontrol separate sequelae sequelae, serious serious, serve services services. set sets setting setting) setting. seven severe sex sexual shaping shorter should showed showing shown, shows sibling), significance significance, significance. significant significant. significantly similar similarly. single six size size), sizes skills skills, small smaller so social social, socialization socioeconomic socioeconomically socioeconomics some someone sort sound sources spanning specific specifically spreading stability standardized standards standards. state state-level states states, states. statewide static statistical statistics status. status: steeply stem stemming steps stigma, still stimuli stimuli, stimuli; strain strain) strain. strategies strategies’’ strength strengthen strengthened strengthening stress stress, stress. stressful stressor stressors stressors, stressors. stress– strong stronger strongest strongly struggled students studies study study, study. study—impulse subsequent substance substantial substantiated succeeding success, such suffer sufficient sufficiently suggest suggesting suggests suicidal suicidality, suicidality. suicide sum sums supervised support support, support. supported supports supports, support–were support—all surpasses surprising surrounding survey survey. surveys. symptomology symptomology, symptomology. symptoms symptoms. system system-involved system. system: systematic systems table, taken takes talk tap target targets tasks, temporal tend tentative termed terms terms. test tested testing tests than thank that that, the their them them. then theorized theorizing. theory theory. theory: therapeutically, there these they third this this, this. those thoughts, threat threats, three threshold, through throughout thus tied time timely, times times? title to together, tool tool, tools total toward towards towards, toxic training training. traits trajectories trajectories. transfer transformed trauma traumatic treat treating treatment treatment, treatment. triggers, troubled two type type, types typically unable unchanged under under-treated, undergird undermine underreporting underscores underscoring underspecified understanding underutilization unexamined. unexpected uninvolved unique unstandardized up update urban us use use: used used. useful uses using utilization utilization. utilized vacuum. valid validity valuation value valued values, variables variables. varied variety verbal verify version versus very via vicarious victimization victimization. victimization: victims victims: view, viewed violence violence, violence. violence/emotional violent vulnerable wait was was[-0.09. was[-1.16. was\0.85 way way, ways we weaken welfare well well-being well-being: well-suited wellbeing. were western what when where whereas wherein whether which who whom why wide-ranging widely wider will willing with within without work work. workers working worsening would years yielded young younger youth youth, youth-focused youth. youth: youths youths. youths’ youth—moving youth’s z-scores z-scores) zero. ¨m, ´n, ´rio ´rrez ˚ngstro ‘yes’ ‘‘Mental ‘‘No’’, ‘‘Yes’’) ‘‘practical ‘‘typical’’ figures, fills final financial finding finding. findings first flawed
Adverse Childhood Experiences
In the original paper on Adverse Childhood Experiences, in their abstract background the authors: Logan-Greene, Tennyson, Nurius, and Borja (2019), emphasized:
Emotional health challenges are gaining consideration among troubled youth with emphasis on the title role of childhood adversity and challenges, but assessment lags. The present study uses a commonly delivered valuation tool to examine psychological health problems (current mental health problem, mental health interfered with probation goals, and suicide ideation) as a function of an expanded set of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs; childhood maltreatment, family dysfunction, and social