LEADERSHIP STYLES Leadership styles play a huge part in the success of a leader. Understanding what brings an employee satisfaction, what major motivations they have, and what is interesting to the su

LEADERSHIP STYLES Leadership styles play a huge part in the success of a leader. Understanding what brings an employee satisfaction, what major motivations they have, and what is interesting to the su

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Leadership styles play a huge part in the success of a leader. Understanding what brings an employee satisfaction, what major motivations they have, and what is interesting to the subordinate lays the foundation for organizations leaders (Prentice, 2004). Understanding these factors can enable a leader to use custom applications and methods for each employee based on those characteristics. One thing I have learned over the years is to be a great leader, you must have followers. Prentice describes leadership as “the accomplishment of a goal through the direction of human assistants (Prentice 2004). Effective leaders group together multiple sources of satisfaction instead of single sources such as monetary rewards or alleviation of fears (Prentice, 2004). When employees responses to love, prestige, independence, achievement, and group participation are not met they often may rebel and sabotage