LEADERSHIP STYLE: WHAT DO PEOPLE DO WHEN THEY ARE LEADING? I have read and understand Strayer University’s Academic Integrity Policy. I promise to conduct myself with integrity in the submission of al

LEADERSHIP STYLE: WHAT DO PEOPLE DO WHEN THEY ARE LEADING? I have read and understand Strayer University’s Academic Integrity Policy. I promise to conduct myself with integrity in the submission of al

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I have read and understand Strayer University’s Academic Integrity Policy. I promise to conduct myself with integrity in the submission of all academic work to the University and will not give or receive unauthorized assistance for the completion of assignments, research papers, examinations or other work. I understand that violations of the Academic Integrity Policy will lead to disciplinary action against me, up to and including suspension or expulsion from the University. I understand that all students play a role in preserving the academic integrity of the University and have an obligation to report violations of the Academic Integrity Policy committed by other student. In addition, I Torena Cox certify that I am the author of this document and any assistance I received in preparing this report fully acknowledged. I have also cited in APA format for all sources that I obtained ideas, data, and words. Sources are properly credited according to the APA guidelines. Torena Cox