THE TOURISM INDUSTRY IN MALAYSIA TOURISM ESSAYIn addition, according to (Shea, Enghagen, and Khullar, 2004) have illustrated a real case “Yours is a very bad Hotel” Which publish the un pt2 2600w
THE TOURISM INDUSTRY IN MALAYSIA TOURISM ESSAYIn addition, according to (Shea, Enghagen, and Khullar, 2004) have illustrated a real case “Yours is a very bad Hotel” Which publish the un pt2 2600w
In addition, according to (Shea, Enghagen, and Khullar, 2004) have illustrated a real case “Yours is a very bad Hotel” Which publish the unpleasant experience made by at least seven newspapers and magazines report. In this literature review, (Werthner and Ricci, 2004) have found that the tourism industry is leading through e-Commerce applications. This application being applied in many Malaysia tourism agencies because of the effeteness of information technology. The information technology was fully supports by Three-dimensional (3D) interactive websites have attracted the online consumer to do online purchases, and to create loyalty (Fiore, Kim & Lee, 2005).
Furthermore, tourists can get visualized tourism information from digital maps with aerial and satellite images in both two dimensions and even three dimensions (Raggam & Almer, 2005).With this kind of information technology will lead to the factor which encourages Malaysia tourism industry to growth stable. This study reviewed the literature to determine factors encourage the use of information technology on Malaysia’s tourism industry.
In this literature review, the objective show that the impacts of information technology to Malaysia tourism industry are becoming more obvious nowadays until change the personnel trait of the tourist when choosing one location as their vacation. This may involve the socio-economic about study of the relationship between economic activity and social life. Travel and holidays are one of the most expensive items purchased regularly by households around the world and it represents a significant proportion of individual’s annual budget. The Internet has changed tourism consumer behavior dramatically (Mills & Law, 2004). Moreover, majority of the customers search for travel