RASCISIM IS BULLYING Do you want to be teased because of your cultural background, religion, accent or even your skin colour? The truth is Racism is happening everywhere everyday RASCISM IS BULLYING!

RASCISIM IS BULLYING Do you want to be teased because of your cultural background, religion, accent or even your skin colour? The truth is Racism is happening everywhere everyday RASCISM IS BULLYING!

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Do you want to be teased because of your cultural background, religion, accent or even your skin colour? The truth is Racism is happening everywhere everyday RASCISM IS BULLYING! According to the Macquarie dictionary, Racism has two important meanigs.1. Human races have special and different characteristics which determine their particular cultures, USA. Involving the idea that one’s own race is better than any other race.2 offensive or even violent behaviour to members of any other race arising from such a belief.

Bullying means frightening or ordering smaller or even weak people around. Racism can be seen in incidents of racist abuse, harassment indifference to cultural diversity, and discrimination. It will be good