Writing is an Art Form Created by Past Experiences, future hopes, fantasies, and limitless imagination.            It brings feelings, knowledge, adventure, mystery, and foreign times and places to li

Writing is an Art Form Created by Past Experiences, future hopes, fantasies, and limitless imagination.            It brings feelings, knowledge, adventure, mystery, and foreign times and places to li

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Writing is an Art Form Created by Past Experiences, future hopes, fantasies, and limitless imagination.

           It brings feelings, knowledge, adventure, mystery, and foreign times and places to life. Writing can be very personal, remedial, cathartic, and affect you in ways that could change your life forever. Participating in Analytical Composition and Literature this year has been a journey that has brought about personal growth as a writer and allowed me to express my growth in different writing skill genres. In challenging myself throughout this course I feel as if I have succeeded in expanding my vocabulary, progressing in my editing skills, and improving my overall proficiency in literacy, even during those moments when my writing felt somewhat deficient.

This trimester there have also been times when I have failed to inspire, excite, translate, or adequately create my works, but even these tragedies were not in vain. I was able to improve my writing and turn my deficiencies into success stories by learning from my mistakes and produce some good work. My foremost accomplishments in this class came in the form of my persuasive piece and my research paper. These two assignments more than any others, enriched my writing techniques in many ways and secured the idea that putting forth your best efforts will yield good results. My research paper demonstrates my proficient skills in gathering and developing facts, analyzing these facts and ideas or information to create a properly informed paper. While my persuasive paper is evidence that I have better cultivated the ability to grab my audience, sentence fluency and use of transitions. The skills I have acquired in this course have dramatically changed me as a writer. I have acquired a greater, more diverse, intellectual skill set for producing works. The choice to grow was mine, as it is for everyone who allows themselves the open-mindedness to take information or imagination and absorb, analyze, and create something new.