Kobe Bryant There's 11.3 seconds left in regulation and the score is tied, 87-87. In the words of May12th, '97. The Delta Center, Salt Lake City, UT. Los Angeles Lakers vs. theUtah Jazz. Game Fi
Kobe Bryant There's 11.3 seconds left in regulation and the score is tied, 87-87. In the words of May12th, '97. The Delta Center, Salt Lake City, UT. Los Angeles Lakers vs. theUtah Jazz. Game Fi
"$7,500 "All "Am "As "Because "Can "From "Give "Go "Grant "HOW "He "He's "Hey, "I "I'll "I'm "If "In "It's "Jelly "Just "Kobe "Let "Let's "Losing "Magic "No "See "Sheeeet!," "That "The "They "Tonight, "Unbreak "We "What "When "Who "Yeah, "Yeah," "You "You're "borderline "but "hello." $3.5 $6,800 '78, '83 '96, '97, '97. 'Come 'Damn 'If 'Little 'Wolves ("If (What (a.k.a. (against (team (with 1,230 103-86 105-99 1080 11-0. 11.3 118-103. 119-102 12th, 13 13-footer, 13.5 14, 15 15," 16 17-footer... 18-year-old 18th, 19 19-year-olds, 19? 1:35 2,359 2,883), 20 20, 200-pound 23 23rd, 24 3-1 30-inch 31st 34, 360 360-degree 40-year-old, 500th 6-2 6-6, 6-9 7.6 7th 82 87-87. 90 92. 94-92 97-92 98-93. 9:20 9:30, A ABOUT AC Advocate Again. Airball. Akia All All-Star Along America's American An And Angeles Anthony Antonio Are As At August BRYANT Bad Banister, Beach, Bean" Because Ben Besides, Black Blount-in Boston Brandy? Braxton's Bryant Bryant's Bryant, Bryant. Bryant: Bryon But By CHEIZAW, Campbell Carolina. Celtics Center, Chamber-lain's Champion Charlie Child. City City, Clan Clan's Clippers Clippers, Clippers. College, Competition. Conference Corie Cox Cox, Cox. Culver Dallas, Dan David David. Davis De December Dek. Del Delta Derek Devil's Diego Dishes Dizzy Do Doesn't Dominique Don Donna Dunk During Eddie Elden Eric Even Everyone Except Exel Exel. Film" Finals. Fingers-Inspectah Fisher Five. Fleet For Forgive Forum, Foster Four, Fourteen Fox GAME Gabriel Game Gary Getting Gillespie. Give God God-that Golden Goliath Grant Green Greg Gypsies, Hakeem's Harris Harris' Harris, Harsh Hayes He He's Heart." Heat Hendrix High Highlight Hill Hills His Hitting Hornacek Hornacek. Horry Horry, Horry. Hot Houston Houston, How Howard Hughes Human I I'd I'll I'm INS If Imagine In Isaac It It's Italian Italian, Italian. Iverson Iverson, Jazz Jazz. Jeff Jelly Jerry Jimi Joe Joe's John Johnson's Johnson, Jones Jordan Jordan's Jordan. Julliard Just KB8. KG KOBE Karan Karl Keep Kevin Kob' Kob'.' Kobe Kobe's Kobe, Kobe. LAST La Lake Laker Lakers Lakers' Lakers, Lakers. Lakeshow Later, Latin League? Life Lincoln Living Lord Lorenzen Los Loud Lower MVP Magic Magic. Majerle Malone May Merion Miami, Miami-the Michael Michelange-lo's Miles Missing Montross More Moses Most Mr. My NBA NBA, NBA? Navigator Navigator, Navy. Nick Nick, No No. North Not Nothing November November, Now O'Neal O'Neal, OF OK OT, OT-ridiculous!! October Of On One), Order Orlando Ostertag, Other Overtime. PA PA, PR Pam Parker Pat Patience. Payback's Pennsylvania People Philadelphia Philadelphia, Philly Philly, Player Pressure. Pulling Q: Range Raptors. Rebel Rick Right? Riley Robert Robinson Rockets-but Rollie Rookie Rover Russell Russell, Russell. SAT SHOT Salt San Sanchez, Saturday School Seals, Semifinals, Shaq Shaq's Shaq, Shaquille Sharia Shaya Shaya. She's Shea Shot. Shula Silence. Sixers Slam Sly So Some-times Somebody Somehow Sometimes Soon Soul, Sound South Southeastern Southwest Southwest's Springer's Sprite Stakes Stallone State Steals Stephon Stoic Stone Sure, Swish. Synergy. TAKING THE TONIGHT!!!" TV, Take Television). Temple, Ten That That's The Then There There's This Three To Today's Tom. Toni Tonight, Too Toronto True USA UT. Uncle Unlike Up Utah Utah. Utah? Van Vancouver Vitti Vitti, Wallace), Wanted. Warriors, Washington Watch Watchtower" We Western What What's Why Wilkins. Wilt With Wizards, Wright's Wrong. Wu-Tang Year You You're [NBA's] [referring [with a a.k.a. a.m." ability able about about. about: academically-the actually add added adidas adidas-he adjust adjusting admonishing aerodynamic, affected affects afro after afternoon afterwards. again, again. against age age, age. aggressive agile-he ago ahead ain't air air, airballs. airballs] airborne airport album all all," all-time all. almost alone alone, alone. already also always amazing amazing. an and and, and...never angle. angry, animosity ankle ankle. another any anybody. anyone anything. anywhere, apart apart, apiece. arc are arena. arm arm's arms around around, around. as ask asked asking asks. ass." assist. assists at athlete attempting attended attention attention, autograph?," autographs automatically average averaged away back back, back. back." backdoor bad bad. baking ball ball, balls bank. basket basket, basketball basketball, basketball. basketballs, be be. beach. beaming beat because becoming been been. before before, before. behind being bench bench. benefited best bet between big big, bigger billionaire." bird bit," bit-so bit. bitch, bitch-slapping bite bits black blaring blasting blessed blinding block? blow blows blushing. boardroom bodegas, body bombs-all booties, bootleg born born. bother bought bounces bouncing brain. brand-new break, broke brother brother." brothers brow. building, bunch bus. but butt." by cable. cackles. cake. call called calls. calm came cameras campus. can can't cap career. careful carry catching celebrities. cell certain chair challenge championship chance. changed changes character charismatic, charter cherished child child-their city. clamoring, clank! clever clock clock, clock. closer clothes, clutch coach coach's coach, coach," coast-to-coast cold collar collar, college college?) come coming committed company compared comparing compete competition," competitive competitive, completely concentrate concept confidence considered constant contain continue contract controls cool cool, copy couch-a could couldn't course court court, court-like courtesy courtside coverage-he crazy. crazy." credit crew criticism crossover crosstown crowd crucial crush damn dance dating daughter day day, deals death. deep-voiced defenders defenses. defensive degree demeanor depressed depressed. describe determination, determined, dice," dice. dick. did didn't dies difference difficult directing director disappointment discovered dish dishing dismiss distinguished do do, does does. doesn't dog. doing dollar don't done, door, dope. double doubled down down. draft drain draw dream. dress dressed dribble dribble. dribbling," dries drills drinks drive drives dunk dunk, dunk. dunks dynamic each earlier, early earned earning ears easy easy-going effective effortless ejection. elbow elbow], elder else elusive embraced? emotion, emotional end, ends enjoy enough entering entire envision episodes equalizer. equals especially ethic-that's even ever every everybody everyone everything everything-and everywhere everywhere. except exchange exchanged exhausted exhausting existence. expensive explaining extending extra eye eyes eyes. face face-even face. facility, fact fadeaway fading, faith fake fall fall-away fall; falling falls familiar family family-including fans fast-selling fast." faster, fate father favorites feel feeling. feels feet felt few fewer field. fields figure figured fine fines finger fire, fire. first first-class five fix flagrant flair flamenco flash flashing flashy flattered flavor-the flight flight, flights-every floor. floors, flop flopping flow fluent fluid flushed fly focus." focused focused. for force forcing forearm, forgivable. formed former forward forward, foul fouled fouled, found fourth fourth-quarter free freshman friends friends, from from, front fuck!" full fun, fun. fury future future. game game, game-making game-winning game. game." games games, games. gash gauze gave gee-whiz general gentle get gets getting giant, giddiness, girlfriends girls give gives giving glasses, glasses. glimpse go go. goal goatee-he's goes going gone gone. gonna good got got, gotta gotten grace. grade grandfather grandfather, grandfather. grandson's gray great greatest greats, ground group, groupies grow," growing guard guard, guard. guarded guess. guy, had hadn't hair, half hand handful hands hang hanging happened happy. hard hard, hard." hardest hardwood hardwood, has hasn't hat hat, hates have having he he'll he's head head, head-you headphones heads healer heard heaven heavy hell help helping henceforth her here, here. hero. hides high high-school high. higher highest highest-scoring him him, him. him." himself himself, hip-hop. his hit hits hitting holding hole hole. holes. home home, home. homecoming. homework. hook. hoop, hoop. hoped horde horn horn-rimmed hot hotel, hotel. how however, hug hug. hungry hurts hurts." hype-more icing if immediately important importantly, improves. in in." inbounds inch, included includes indulgences injured, installed instinct instructions, intelligent," intensity. into involvement is is-he's is-the is. is." is...blocked isn't it it's it. it." it? its jacket jaw-dropping jazz, jealousy jocks judge juke jump jumper jumpers just keep keeping key kick kid kid's kid," kid. kids kinds know know, know," knowing knows landing lane lane, language language, lanky, last last. later laugh. laughs. launches lay-up lay-up. lay-ups leading league leagues. leaps learned learning learning-which leather leave led left left, legends length length. lesson let lets level level-and life, life-you like like, likely liking limited line line, line. listener," listening lithe little little-known lives living lobby lobby, local locker locker, lofts long long, long," long-term long-time look looking looks loops lose lose, lose-especially lose. loses losing lot love love. loved, loves low low, low-key lowly made made. magnetic, majors? make makes makes. making making. mall. man man!" man, man," man. manager maneuvers manhandle many marketing matter mature maybe me me, me. me? meal mean meanwhile, media media. meet merciless middle might million million-dollar millions mind, mind. minute minutes minutes, mischievous miss missed mistakes, mix-he mobbed-especially moment moment, moment. moments, momentum money moniker more morning morning, most mother motivated move moved moves moves, movie much much-he's much. much? multi-million multi-million-dollar musculature music music. muthafucka. my named nasty native. natives natural, natural," nature nearly never new-style news next next, nice night night, nine no no," no-jokes. no-look nondescript normal, normally not not-you notching nothing novelty now now, now-we now..." now; numbers oblivion, of off off, off. offer. oh, old old. older on on, on. one one's one, one-on-one only onto open opponents. or ordering other other's others...and our out out, out-and out." outside outstretched over over. overall overlooking overly overseas overwhelming own p.m., painful paint. pair paper parents, part partner. party. pass passes passes, passes; passions-basketball, pauses. pay payback penetrated, pens people people, people. per performance, perimeter person-besides personal. personality personality. perturbed. phones, picking picks. pieces pile place play play. play." played player player. players players," playing playing. plays, plops point point, pointer pointers-but points points. poise poise, positive possible post-up, pounding pounds. pouring power practice practice," practicing preseason preservatives, press press. pressure, pretty prey. price. pride. pro probably problem problem. process," prodigy, pros prove prowess psyche. pull pulled put puts putting quarter quarter. question. questions, questions: quick quickly-and quickness, quickness. quiet; quite quotes, race rap rare read ready ready. realize, really reason rebound, rebounds. receiving recommended. record referred regulation rein relative. relives remarks remember remembers reminiscent remix reporters represent rest result, retired return. reverse rhymes. ridiculous right right. right? right?," rim rim-shattering rim. rises. rising road road-his roll rollercoaster. rookie rookie, room room, room. rough roughneck rout row, rows ruffled. run running runs sad, sails same sample saved saw say say, saying saying, says says, says. scant scared. scene scheme school, school. score score.") scored scored, scorer's scorer." scoring scout screaming screams, screen. screens scrimmage sculpted season," seat seat, seats. second, secondary. seconds see seemed seeming seems senior sensational sensational," sense. seriously service service. seven shakes shaking she shirt. shoe shoot shootaround shooting shooting." shoots shorts shot shot. shot." shots shots, shots," shots. should shoulder shoulder, shoulder-for shoulders. shouldn't showcase showers. showing shows signs simple since single sister sister, sisters. sits sitting situations situations." six sixth size skills skills, skip sky, slam slam. slammed slams sleep, slick, slingshot. slowpokes slumped smart smarter. smile smile. smiles smiles, snacks sneak sneaker, sneaky snippets so soccer some someone sometimes sometimes," son son's son," song song, sounds source. speak speaks spectacular speed spends spoil sports spot squad. stage stakes stands star stares stares, state steals steals, step stepping stereo still stops-14 stories straight streak stress stretched stretches strong studied studying stuff styles. such suddenly suggested suit, suits, sun sunny supercharged sure surpasses surround surrounded sweat sweatsuit, sweetheart, swingman system t-shirts. table table, take taken takes talent talented talk talked talks tall, tape, team team, team-and team. teammate. teams technical. tell telling tension test than that that's that, that. that." the their them them, them,' them-I themselves then there there's there, they they'll thing thing." things things. things: think thinking third this this.' this?" those though. though." thought thoughts three three-point three. throng through through-and-through, throwing throws throws. ticks, tie tied, tight till time time, time-and time. time.'" times title titties to to. today, today. today?" told tomorrow tomorrow, tomorrow." tonight tonight," tonight-but too too. took tooling top touch tough towards towel traffic traffic, trainer's traps treated trees. tried trip trip, trip." trouble. try trying turned turnovers turns twisted twisting twists, two two. tying type unbelievable uncombed, undefeated. under underneath undying uniform, unless unlike until unwrapping up up, up," up. used usually version versions vertical. very viable video videos videotapes visible volleyball vowed vs. vulgarities waist wait waiting walked walks want wanted wants warm was wasn't watch watched watches watching wattage. waved waving way way. ways we we'll we're wearing wears week weeks weight well well-rested went went, were weren't what what's wheel when where wherever whether which while while, white who who's whole whose why why, why. wife, will willing win win. wiping with within without woman won won't words words, words," work worked works world world. world." worse worthy would wouldn't wrap writing year year, year. year." year? years you you, you," you. you? young young, your yourself
There's 11.3 seconds left in regulation and the score is tied, 87-87. In the words of
12th, '97. The Delta Center, Salt Lake City, UT. Los Angeles Lakers vs. the
Utah Jazz. Game Five.
You have to be very careful what you ask
for in life-you just might get it. Just ask Kobe Bryant.