Adverse Childhood Experiences Mental health problems are gaining attention among court-involved youth with emphasis on the role of childhood adversity, but assessment lags. Objective The present study

Adverse Childhood Experiences Mental health problems are gaining attention among court-involved youth with emphasis on the role of childhood adversity, but assessment lags. Objective The present study


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(ACE) (ACEs) (ACEs; (Abram (Arnow (Baglivio (Barrett (Chapman (Craig (Cronholm (Danese (Desai (Downey (Duke (Evans (First (Lengua (Logan-Greene (Masten (N (Shufelt (Teplin (Underwood (current (e.g., (n.d.). 03), 08 1 10.1016/j.amepre.2007.06.003. 10.1016/j.chiabu.2010.02.012. 10.1016/j.chiabu.2011.02.006. 10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.01.011. 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2013.10.003. 10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2009.06.005. 10.1016/j.physbeh.2011.08.019. 1001/archpsyc.59.12.1133. 1010–1019. 106(1), 107(2), 108–116. 109(Supplement 10–15. 10–17. 11(1), 111(3), 1111–1122. 1133–1143. 114–124. 114–128. 115(6), 116–119. 12(2), 125(4), 129(1), 13(2), 1336–1343. 134(1), 1342. 139(6), 14(4), 14260, 143–153. 1453–1460. 1498–1512. 15(1), 1527–1545. 1542/peds.2011-2663. 1548–1555. 156, 1586–1593. 159(9), 159–187. 160(8), 162(7), 163–173. 169–190. 17(8), 17, 17208–17212. 17439760903157166. 1745-9125.2006.00058. 18(2), 1995.tb01186. 1998; 1–18. 1–23. 2 2), 2.1. 2002), 2002). 2003; 2004-1459. 2004; 2005). 2006). 2006; 2007). 2007; 2008; 2010). 2010; 2011). 2012), 2012). 2013). 2014 2014) 2014), 2014). 2014; 2015). 2015; 2016). 2016; 2017), 2017). 2017, 2017; 204–214. 21(1), 217–225. 217–229. 22(1), 22(7), 22(special 228. 229–241. 23(3), 23(special 230–237. 24(3), 24(4), 245–258. 249–264. 25 26–43. 281–290. 287–307. 29(6), 291–300. 29–39. 3 3(2), 30. 31(1), 31(4), 319–361. 32(3), 33(4), 34(11), 34(2), 35(6), 354–361. 361–382. 37(1), 37(2), 37(4), 379–387. 38(1), 38(4), 39(5), 393–415. 3–15. 3–20. 3–5. 4 4(6), 40(3), 40(7), 408–413. 41, 425–440. 43(3), 43(9), 432–438. 44(3), 45(3), 45(8), 45, 451–481. 46, 47(3), 47(9), 48–63. 49(3), 491–495. 493–507. 493–516. 496–505. 498–506. 5(2), 5(3), 5-year 51(1), 521–526. 5378), 54(5), 548–556. 56(1), 564–572. 57(2), 59(12), 593–630. 6(3), 616–623. 61–73. 624–645. 631–649. 65, 65–75. 685 68–84. 7, 715– 74, 7–26. 82(2), 83(3), 842–855. 877–895. 923-926). 924. 924–936. 939–954. = A A. A., ACE ACE-mental ACEs ACEs, Abnormal Abram, Abrams, Abuse Academy Acheson, Adaptive Adolescence, Adolescent Adverse Affective Aging, Agnew, Ahrens, Alcoholism: Aldwin, Although American An Anda, Arata, Archives Arnow, Aroura, As Aseltine, Assessing Assessment Associates, Associations B. B., BMC Baglivio, Bair-Merritt, Baldy Bambra, Barnoski, Barrett Barrett, Barth, Behavior Behavior, Behavioral Berkel, Blueprint Borja Borja, Borowsky, Bowers, Briggs, Brinker, Brown, Bucci, Buffalo, Building Bulletin, Burke, C. C., Calhoun, Carlson, Carrio Carrion, Cascades Cass, Cauffman, Center Chapman, Child Childhood Children Choe, Choi, Chu, Cicchetti Cicchetti, Clinical Cocozza Cocozza, Coffey, Cohn, Cohoon, College Comparative Complex Compromised Computational Conceptual Conclusions Cook Copeland-Linder, Corso Corso, Cortes, County, Court Court-Involved Courtney, Craig, Crime Criminal Criminality, Criminology, Cronholm, Cumulative Curtis, D. 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H., Hafner, Hall, Hard Hardt, Harkins-Schwarz, Hatzenbuehler, Hayes, Health Health, Hearps, Hellman, Herts Herts, Heterogeneous Hevey, Hewitt, Hill, Hirschfield, Hoge, Holden, Hollist, Hostinar, Hough, Houston, However, Hughes, Huq, I. I., Identifying Illinois, In Inc. Inequalities Informal Inquiry, Institute International Interpreting Intervention Introduction Iowans. Issues, J. J., Jackowski, January Jennings, Johnson, Jonson-Reid, Joshi, Journal Justice, Justice. Juvenile K. K., Kalkhoff, Kaplan, Kataoka, Katsiyannis, Kiff, Kilmer, Kim Kim, King, Kinner Kinner, Ko, Koita, Kort-Butler, L. L., La Landsverk, Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Lastly, Lau, Law Lee, Lengua, Lexcen, Li, Life Loeber, Logan-Greene Logan-Greene, Longitudinal Lopez, Losen, Lovallo, M. M., M.-T., Madrid, Manasse, Many Marques, Martinez, Maschi, Masten, Matthes, McBride McCabe, McClelland, McElroy, McEwen McEwen, McLaughlin, McMorris, Medicine, Mental Mericle, Meta-analysis Methods Methods, Migdole, Mileusnic, Moderators Moran, Moreover, Murry, N. N., NY NY: NYU Nation, National Needell, Neglect, Neighborhood Network. New Nordenberg, Nurius Nurius, OLS ObO13e31817eecf3. Objective Offender Oh, Oklahoma Olympia, Olympia: Online, Online: Ormrod, Our O’Brien, P. P., PA: PROCESS Pang, Parenting Parents’ Patricia Patterns Patton, Paula Pediatrics, Perceived Perez Perez, Perspectives, Pettingell, Physiology Pinchevsky, Piquero, Pittsburgh, Policy Policy. Poly-victimization: Positive Posttraumatic Power Press. Preventive Proceedings Project. Psych Psychiatric Psychiatry Psychiatry, Psychological Psychology Psychology, Psychopathology Psychopathology, Public Purewal Purewal, Putnam-Hornstein, Puzzanchera, Pynoos, Quantitative R. R., Racial Ramiro, Rebbe Rebbe, Rebellon, Recent References Relationship Relationships Reports, Research Research, Results Retrieved Review, Rhodes, Riva, Robbins, Robert Robert, Routine Rubin, S. S., SAS SAS. SPSS Sacks Sacks, Saucier, Sawyer, Sayedul Schaefer, Schaible, Schilling Schilling, School Schoon, Science Science, Sciences, Scott, Screening Seattle, Seeman, Sequelae Services Sharon Shea, Sheer, Shonkoff, Shufelt, Shulman, Sickmund, Siegel, Silve Skowyra, Smith, Social Sorocco, Specifying Sprague Sprague, Stability State States States, Stellern, Stress Structuring Studies Study. Suicidal Swartz, T. T., TX, Taylor Taylor, Tedeschi, Tennyson Tennyson, Teplin Teplin, The Their Therapy There These This Thomas, Thompson, Thornberry, Those Three, Traub, Trauma Trauma, Traumatic Triplett, Turner, Tzavidis, US US. USA Understanding Underwood Underwood, United University Unmet Unsurprisingly, Using V. V., Validating Van Variation Vellaisamy, Verona, Victimization Vincent, Violence Violence. W. W., WA, WA: Wade, Wang, Washburn, Washington Washington, Way, Weems, Wells, Western Whipple, White, Whitfield, Williamson, Wolff, Wood, Woods-Jaeger, Work Work, Wright, X., Y. Y., Yancura, Yeh, York: Youth Zalewski, Zero Zhang, a a0021788. ability abnormal abstract abuse abuse, access accumulate, accumulating across adaptive addition address addressed adolescence, adolescent adolescents adolescents. adopted adoption adult adulthood. adulthood: adults adults: adverse adversities, adversity adversity, adversity. adversity–childhood adversity—childhood affect affected agerelated aggression aggressive aging aims al. allocate allocation. allostasis, allostatic alone. alongside also ameliorate among an analysis analysis. analysis: and anger. anxiety, apparent appendices. approach. appropriately are argues arrests: as aspirations aspirations, aspirations. assesses assessment assessments associated association. associations at at-risk attempts: attention attention-deficit authors: availability background based be because become been beginning behavior behavior. behavior: behavioral behaviors behaviors. best better between biological bivariate bonds both breadth 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depressive detention detention. detrimental developing development development, development. developmental deficits diagnosed diagnosis did differ differences different difficulties difficulties, dimensions direct directions disabilities. disadvantage). disadvantage. disadvantaged disadvantage—contribute discounting. disease. disorder disorder, disorders disrupting distal disturbingly diverse do doi: doi:10. doi:10.1007/s10896-0179909-4. doi:10.1007/s10964-013-0049-8. doi:10.1007/s10964-016-0519-x. doi:10.1016/S0749-3797(98)00017-8. doi:10.1016/j. doi:10.1017/S0954579410000222. doi:10.1017/S0954579411000411. doi:10.1037/ doi:10.1073/ doi:10.1080/ doi:10.1080/15374416.2015.1110823. doi:10.1080/19361521.2013.811459. doi:10.1097/CHI. doi:10.1097/CHI.0b013e318160b3ce. doi:10.1111/j. doi:10.1111/j.1745-9125. doi:10.1177/0022427801038004001. doi:10.1177/0956797612457950. doi:10.1177/1063426612470514. doi:10.1177/1541204007301292. doi:10.1177/1541204014566286. doi:10.1177/1541204016630033. 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Mental health problems are gaining attention among court-involved youth with emphasis on the role of childhood adversity, but assessment lags. Objective The present study uses a commonly delivered assessment tool to examine mental health problems (current mental health problem, mental health interfered with probation goals, and suicide ideation) as a function of an expanded set of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs; childhood maltreatment, family dysfunction, and social disadvantage).