Computer “Disadvantages and Advantages of Computer” A Research Paper Presented to Prof. Hans Up in partial I express my deepest gratitude to my family especially my mother who helps me with1644 Words
Computer “Disadvantages and Advantages of Computer” A Research Paper Presented to Prof. Hans Up in partial I express my deepest gratitude to my family especially my mother who helps me with1644 Words
Computer 1644 Words
“Disadvantages and Advantages of Computer” A Research Paper Presented to Prof. Hans Up in partial I express my deepest gratitude to my family especially my mother who helps me with the grammar, invaluable guidance, and blessings. I am very grateful to my English teacher Sir Han Uy for providing us with an environment to complete this project. I would like to thank my classmates for their unending follow up regarding this research paper and the websites such as,, and Google chrome. ABSTRACT
In today’s world where everything has a computer element having knowledge about this wonder machine. It provides fresh, updated information to keep people on new risk and what to do about them. Providing information that is personally useful such as to avoid scams, fraud, and ID theft. Information on how to protect home PC’s and how to use e-mail and the internet safely. Based on the survey, a greater number of adolescents nowadays have computers at their home. It is considered as