EDUCATION IS EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD Education is everywhere in the world. Individuals are learning here and there. Everyone would agree that education is a fundamental way of life. Education is obtai

EDUCATION IS EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD Education is everywhere in the world. Individuals are learning here and there. Everyone would agree that education is a fundamental way of life. Education is obtai

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Education is everywhere in the world. Individuals are learning here and there. Everyone would agree that education is a fundamental way of life. Education is obtained learning from multiple people such as parents, friends, teachers and even other surroundings. Every individual is educated and taught differently. Education should be built not only on the text that lies within a book, but should also be base with everyday life. Agree on McCullough and Oliphant perspectives because grades and how life is not revolved around grades. Grades should not be based on how smart an individual is. Although Oliphant “Letter to a B Student” wrote “Your performance is generally assumed to correspond to the knowledge you have acquired and will retain (137).” They could be really intelligent or ignorant, but the letter grade they receive defines who they are. The letter grade that most individuals want to receive is an A, but others settle for the best they can receive. In McCullough speech “You’re Not Special” he says “Where good is no longer good enough, where a B is the new C, and where the midlevel curriculum is