COMPUTER SCIENCE VS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Computer Science is basically concerned with the study of computers. A student of Computer Science learns about hardware and operating systems. It is also ab

COMPUTER SCIENCE VS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Computer Science is basically concerned with the study of computers. A student of Computer Science learns about hardware and operating systems. It is also ab

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Computer Science is basically concerned with the study of computers. A student of Computer Science learns about hardware and operating systems. It is also about highly technical stuff like registers, multitasking kernels, databases, and address buses. It is said to be about the principles of computing and about the design of the computer and its operation. Computer science is concerned only with computers while it is not so with Information technology.

Information Technology on the other hand is about how the computer can be employed to various operations in life. Thus it concerned with the study of applying computer science to day-to-day human operations in industries and businesses. A student of Information technology would deal with subjects like programming, databases, software, application etc rather than the actual operation of the computer itself. Thus IT is about the use of the computer for certain functions that would make work easier and better without actual delving into the details of computer operations.
