A PROKARYOTIC CELL DOESN’T PRODUCE LIPIDS A prokaryotic cell doesn’t produce lipids. A process where endocytosis takes place, this only occurs in eukaryotic cells. John Wiley and sons. (2017). Biology

A PROKARYOTIC CELL DOESN’T PRODUCE LIPIDS A prokaryotic cell doesn’t produce lipids. A process where endocytosis takes place, this only occurs in eukaryotic cells. John Wiley and sons. (2017). Biology

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A prokaryotic cell doesn’t produce lipids. A process where endocytosis takes place, this only occurs in eukaryotic cells. John Wiley and sons. (2017). Biology Basics: Important Components of Eukaryotic Cells. Available: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/biology-basics-important-components-of-eukaryotic-.html. Last accessed 10/11/2017 Smooth endoplasmic adds carbohydrates to proteins and produces lipids and rough is responsible for synthesizing the proteins that are needed in the cell and the area around the cell.

Specialized structures that allow a sperm to carry out its role

A sperm cell consists of a head, middle and tail. The head contains the DNA, which is in the nucleus, this contains the 23 chromosomes required to meet with an egg which has the other 23 chromosomes needed to create an embryo. The head also contains an acrosome which contains enzymes that allow the sperm to break through the egg membrane and penetrate. The middle of the sperm cell is a bit like an engine, the mitochondria creates the energy needed to move the tail. The tail is thin and uses a whipping motion to travel through bodily fluids. (BBC-GCSE Bitesize. (2014). The menstrual cycle and fertilization.

Specialized structures that allow a red blood cell to carry out its role

A red blood cells shape, flexibility and size play a big part in its role. It is bi-concave which gives a