ABORTION FOR OR AGAINST PHILOSOPHY ESSAY3420 WORDS (14 PAGES) ESSAY The term abortion means to intentionally end a process prematurely. In terms of pregnancy, abortion refers specifically to the prema

ABORTION FOR OR AGAINST PHILOSOPHY ESSAY3420 WORDS (14 PAGES) ESSAY The term abortion means to intentionally end a process prematurely. In terms of pregnancy, abortion refers specifically to the prema

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The term abortion means to intentionally end a process prematurely. In terms of pregnancy, abortion refers specifically to the premature termination of a pregnancy by chemical or physical means. It shouldn’t be mistaken for a miscarriage, which is when the body cannot carry the baby to term and the fetus dies in the womb. While both occurrences have the same end result, miscarriage is an unfortunate natural incident and abortion is a human convention. There are two different ways to perform an abortion: Chemical and Surgical.

Chemical abortion involves the use of drugs to kill the fetus, after which the fetus is expelled from the uterus by either chemical or physical means. There are three main types of drugs used for chemically induced abortions. These medications are only effective during the first two months of pregnancy, after which the abortion would not be successful. Surgical abortion, as the name implies, means removing the fetus by a surgical suction method. Most surgical removal methods can only be done during the first ten-to-fifteen weeks of pregnancy, as the fetus grows too large after this period.

Surgical abortion after this period is commonly referred to as “partial birth abortion”, in which the fetus must be partially delivered before the abortionist can remove it fem the womb. The upside of surgical