POLICE BRUTALITY IN MODERN DAY AMERICA In modern day America police brutality occurs quite often. Police officers are using unreasonable forces on criminals, which are causing lots of chaos. People

POLICE BRUTALITY IN MODERN DAY AMERICA In modern day America police brutality occurs quite often. Police officers are using unreasonable forces on criminals, which are causing lots of chaos. People

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In modern day America police brutality occurs quite often. Police officers are using unreasonable forces on criminals, which are causing lots of chaos. People are getting seriously injured and killed. These horrific actions have to be extinguished.

Reasonable can be defined in many ways. According to Mirriam-Webster’s definition reasonable means being in accordance with reason, not extreme or excessive, moderate, fair, and having the faculty of reason (Merriam-webster, 2012. 0. .). Someone who is reasonable has good judgment. There are various ways that law enforcement can be viewed as reasonable. An officer who is reasonable will be much more efficient and useful when working on the job. For example, an officer who is reasonable would