HOW IS LANGUAGE USED TO DESCRIBE RACISM What is Language? Language is uniquely human it is used for commununication by humans. Language is form of knowledge it is used to communicate ideas and though
HOW IS LANGUAGE USED TO DESCRIBE RACISM What is Language? Language is uniquely human it is used for commununication by humans. Language is form of knowledge it is used to communicate ideas and though
What is Language? Language is uniquely human it is used for commununication by humans. Language is form of knowledge it is used to communicate ideas and thoughts. Language also uses symbols. Though language is good it is also bad. Language becomes a problem when people misuse and misunderstand it, this can cause dispute between people and this is the language of racism and may others were started and then misused by humans.
Language has influenced human thoughts since the moment we learnt it. The question is words and phrases in English created to enlighten the thought blacks are “bad” and whites are “good”? The answer