MOSKVA'S MISSING: RUSSIANS SPEAK OUT OVER RELATIVES ON SUNKEN WARSHIP The relatives of "missing" crew members of Russia's sunken missile cruiser Moskva have taken to social media to challenge Moscow'
MOSKVA'S MISSING: RUSSIANS SPEAK OUT OVER RELATIVES ON SUNKEN WARSHIP The relatives of "missing" crew members of Russia's sunken missile cruiser Moskva have taken to social media to challenge Moscow'
The relatives of "missing" crew members of Russia's sunken missile cruiser Moskva have taken to social media to challenge Moscow's narrative on the fate of the Black Sea fleet vessel and its hundreds of personnel.
The Moskva missile cruiser, Russia's flagship of its Black Sea Fleet, sank hours after Ukraine claimed to have dealt significant damage to the vessel with a missile strike. Russia denied the claims, saying that any damage was caused by fire on board that led to some ammunition detonating.
The Kremlin claimed the Soviet-era vessel's roughly 500 personnel were successfully evacuated to other ships before being returned to the port of Sevastopol in Crimea on Friday.
Moscow has not publicly announced any possible casualties among the Moskva's crew members, but authorities have informed Russians that their relatives are "missing in action," according to social