Policy Analysis This paper will discuss the necessity for social policy change in regard to the mental health system (or lack thereof) within the United States as well as internationally. The need for
Policy Analysis This paper will discuss the necessity for social policy change in regard to the mental health system (or lack thereof) within the United States as well as internationally. The need for
& (118), (2009). (2011). (2013). (2014). (Allen (Anakwenze (Crociata (Evans (Hebert, (ID) (Jenkins (Miller (Patel (WHO), (n.d.). (or 101, 101-114. 102, 103, 1098, 1098-1109. 1109, 147-157. 148, 149, 15-44 2009). 2011). 2012). 2013). 20138). 2018). 219, 219-233. 28, 28-31. 32(3), 338-343. 63(2), 696, 696-699. 8(2), A A. A., AIDS, Access Act Affairs. Affordable Africa, Agovino, Ahmad, Allen, Allowing American Americans, Americans. American’s An Anakwenze, As Association Atun, Australia Australian Australia’s B. B., Baingana, Bank Bank, Behavioral Being Belkin, Better Care Care: Challenges: Chockalingam, City. Closer Considering Cooper, Crime, Crociata, Cultural D. D., Department Depression Depression, Development Disability Discussion: Dispelling Doing E., E1001448-E1001448. Effective Evans, Even Exploratory F., Families, Family Financial Financially For G., Goals Grand H. 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This paper will discuss the necessity for social policy change in regard to the mental health system (or lack thereof) within the United States as well as internationally. The need for reform is tantamount in order for marginalized groups with mental disabilities to function well-beyond their capacities. An analysis of policy is needed to better understand the challenges that face current social workers and mental health professionals at this time. Therefore, this paper will discuss eight articles that pertain to the social work school of thought and will be utilized to a great degree in making an argument for social reform.