Business Administration – 7,727 Words Business Environment 1. Discuss how the surroundings acts does as a stimulant to business. Analyze why commercial enterprise often does little for the protect

Business Administration – 7,727 Words Business Environment 1. Discuss how the surroundings acts does as a stimulant to business. Analyze why commercial enterprise often does little for the protect


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case. cases, categories category category. cause cautiously cent center central centre certain certificates challenge challenge. challenges change change: changes changes, changes: changing channelize character characteristic characteristics charge charges chemical children, choice choice. choose circulars citizen class class, class. classes classes. classification clean client clients client’s closer co-ordination colleagues. come comes comfortable coming commercial common commonly companies companies. companions company compared competition competition. competition: competitors competitors, competitors. competitor’s complete completed complexities complicated concept concerned conditions conditions) conditions. conduct conducted, confidence connected consequences conservation consider considering considers consist consists constitutes constitutional constrained constructing consumer consumers consumers, consumers. contained contamination. contemporary context context, continually contract contraction contracts/demand contribute contributes contributions contributors control control, controls cope copies corporate corporation corporations corporations, corruption cost count countermeasures. countless countries, country country'. country, country. country; countrywide course. coverage covers create created, creates creation crew criminal critiquing. crucial. crèches cultural cups current customary customer customers customers, customers. customers: customs, cut dashing dated day day-to-day days deal deal, debate debentures, decisions. decrease decreased decreasing dedication deeper defame defined degree degree, delay demand demographic depends deposits depriving described describes desire desired desires despite detail detailed details details: developed development development. developments] dialogue differ different differential differs difficult difficulty diffusion dimensions. direct directed direction disadvantages discharge discipline discussed discussion discussions displaying displays disposable dispose distant distinct distributers, distribution distributors, diverse do do. documentation does down down/ downsize draw dropping drops, drug-manufacturing due dues. duration duties duty dwelling dynamic dynamic. each early earn earning earnings ecological economic economic, economy economy, economy. education effect effected effectively effectivity efficaciously efficiency efficient, efficiently efficiently. effort efforts elders element elements elements, elevated emissions. emphasis employees employees, employees. employer employers employment employment, enables enabling enact encourages encouraging end engage enhance enhancements enhancing enlargement enriching ensuring entails entering enterprise enterprises enterprises. entice enticing entities entity. entries entries. entry environment environment, environment. environment: environmental equal equality equity era, especially essential establish established establishments etc, etc. etc.), ethnicity, evaluation even event event’s every everybody’s everyday evolved. examine example, example. examples. exceed except exceptionally excessive exchange exclusive existence existing exists. expansion expect expectations expected expenditures experts, explain explaining explanation exploitation exploitation. exports extensive extent extent. exterior external extra facilitate facilities: facing fact factor factors factors. faculty. fairly false family fast father fauna, favor. feasible feature features features: federal fee fees fees, fellowships felony figures file finance financial find, finding finds fined fines firm firm, firm. firms firms, firms. firm’s first fixing flora, focal focus. follow following follows follows. follows: food for forces forces, forces. forces: foreign foremost foremost, foresee forestry forests forests, former former, formulate formulating four framed framework framing free freely frequently from fulfill fulfill. full-size function function. functioning functioning. functions functions. fund, fundamental funding furnish further. future gadgets gain gap garbage geared-up general general, general. generally generate generates generating geographic geographical get getting give given gives giving go goals goes going goods goods. governing government government, government. granted great greater green grew gross group. groups groups, groups. grow growth guard guest guide guidelines guides had happen happenings, harm, has have have, hazardous hazards he health health. heaps heavy helps her herbal here high high/ higher his/ historic historical history. hobbies hobby hold home honest honestly. household housing, how however huge hundred i) i.e. i.e., idea ideally identical identification if ii) image immediate, immigrants immigration impact impact. implementation import importance important imports imports] imposed imposes improve improvement improvement, improvements, improves, improving in in) incentivated, incentives inclination include: included includes including inclusive income incorporate incorporated incorporates increase increased increases increases, indicate indication indirectly. indispensable individual indulge industrial industries industries, industries. industries; industry industry, industry. inequalities inflation inflow influence influenced influencing inform infrastructure infrastructures initiate innocuous. innovations innovative inside inspire inspired instance, instances institutions institutions, instructor. insurance insurance, integration integration. integrity intensifies intensive interact interacts interacts. interconnections interdependence interest interest, international internet interplay interrelationship into introduced introducing invest invested. investing investment investment, investments investments, investor investor. investors investors, investors. involved is issue. issued issues it it, it. items its itself itself, job jobs just keep keeps key kinds know, know-how know-how. knowledge knowledgeable known labor-intensive laid lakes, land largely larger latter law law, laws laws] leader learn learning legislation legislatures. leisure lending less let level levels levels, liberal liberal, liberalisation liberalized. liberalizing license-permit-quota licensing life life, lifestyle lifestyle, lifestyle] lifting like likeliness limit limit, line lines. list list, listening listening, listing little live living living, loans local located long-term longer look looking lot lowering loyalty machines, macro made main mainly maintaining major make makes man man. manage managed management managements. manager managerial managers mandated mandatory, mandatory. manipulate many marker market market. markets. massive match matches materials matter maximum may me means measured meet members men mentioned message met. method methods methods. mfg. migrants, migrants] mildew minded mindful minimal minimize minutes. mirror mitigate mobility mode modern modernization modernization. modernization/ modifications monetary money. monopolistic monopoly. morality more most mostly mother motion motivate motivated motives mountains, move movements mover moves much. multi multi-nationals multinational multiplied must names nation nationals nations natural nature. nature: nearly necessary need needs neighborhood networks new nicely night, no non-existent non-public noncompliance normal norms not not, noticeably notifications, notified now number numbers o obeying objectives objectives. objects obligation obligations obligations, obligatory observe obstacles obtain occasion occurrence. of offer offerings offers often oftentimes oil on on. once one one, ones oneself only onus operate operates operation operations operations. opinion opponents, opportunities opposition or oratory order orders ordinary organization organization. organizational organizations organized origin originated other otherwise'. ought our out out, outcome outside over overall overseas overseeing own owners owners, ownerships. pace paper parameter parents, parliament part participation particular particularly parties, partners party passed past pastime path path, patron pattern pay payments payments, pension, per perceive percentage perception perform performance performance: performed performing period. permissible permission permits] permitted. persist person personal personnel persons phase phenomenon. phrases physical physique pick pills place place--more planning planning, plans plantations). plays please point pointless policies policies] policy political political, political-legal political-legal, politicians politicians’ pollution populace population portfolio’s portray pose position position. positive possess possible potential poverty; practical practices practices. pre-1991 precise predict prefer preferences preparations prepared prerequisites prescribes present presentation presentation, preserve prevalence prevalent prevent prevention previously price prices primarily principle prior prison privatisation. probability probably problem problems procedural proceed process process, produce producers produces product product, product/services production, production. productiveness productivity products profession profit, profit. profits profits, profits. programmers. progress project. promote promotes promotion, proper properly property property, proposed prospects. protect protected protecting protection protection; provide provident provoke proximity public pupil purchaser purpose: put qualitative qualitatively quantity questions quickly quickly. quieter quite raj. range rapid rapidly rapidly] rate rate, rated rates rates) rates, raw re-elected. read reading reading/ readings readings, real realistic reason reasonable received recent recognition recognize recommendations record recycle recycling redefined reduce reduced reduces reductions refer referred refers refining), reforms reforms, regard regarding region region. regularity regulate regulated regulating regulation regulation. regulations relationship relative relaxation relaxes release relevance remedy repayment report). require required required. required? requirement requirements requires research resident resorting resource resources resources. responsibilities responsibilities, responsibilities. responsibility responsibility. restricted restriction, restrictions restrictions. restrictive result results retailers retirement return revolutionary reworking ride right rights risk. risks. rivals rivers rivers, role role. roll route routine rule ruled rules run s salaries. sale, sale. sales sarees saves savings savings. says scale scenario. scheme scholarships science screen search seasons section sector sector. sectoral sectors sectors) sectors/industries sectors/industries/types security seem seems select self self-reliant serve service. services services, services. session. set settled several shape share shares shield shifting shifts shoppers should sides signal signals: significance similar situate situations six. size, sizeable sizes skill skills sleep small smaller smart so social social, socialist society society. socio-economic sold solely some something sorts sound speak speak, speaking, special specially specific specified speeding speeds spending spreading stability stability. stable stage stands state stated states states, statistics status. statutory stay steadiness steps stimulant stimulate stimulated stipulations strategic strategies strategy street strength strengthen stressful strong structure structures structuring sturdy style subsidiaries successful successful. such such, suggest suggests suitable suitably sum summarize, super superb superior. suppliers suppliers) suppliers, supply supplying support. support] sure surroundings survey switch symbolic system tactics take taken takes taking tale talented talk tariffs task tax taxation taxes techniques technological technological, technologies technology technology. teeth, telecommunications, tell temp. terms terrible terrific than that that, the their them them. then there these they things this this, those thought threat threats three through throwing thru thumb thus, tiers time time-honored time. timely, to to: too too. took top totally totally, toward towards trade trade, traders traders. trading traffic training transaction transcending transfer transferring transport, tremendously trend trouble troubles true truthful turbulent turn turn, turning twenty two type types u under undergo underlying underneath understand understood undertakes undertaking unemployment unexpectedly unfair unfavorable unique units unlawful unsure until up up, upkeep upto us usage use used useless using utilisation utilized value values values, variables variety various vary vehicles venture verify versa. very via viable vice vide view views visitor vital viz volume. voluntarily volunteer wages want wants warning was waste waste, water waterways way ways. we wealth; weather, weighing welfare well well-informed. well-known were were: what when whereas whereby wherein whether which while who whole whom why wide wide-spread widely wider widespread wildlife'. wildlife; will wishes with without woman women won wonderful word words, work work, worker, working working. workplace world world. worrying would writing year, year. years you you, your yourself, zone – –cultural, –in — ‘Original ‘lecture’ ‘provider’ “are • •Abolishing •Adopt •All •Analysis •Attracting •Automatic •Availing •Be •Become •Better •Caring •Conforming •Contributing •Coping •Creation •Dealing •Development •Disinvestment •Dynamic •Easier •Economic •Ensuring •Firm •Foreign •Freedom •Giving •Globalisation •Globalizations •Grievances •Growth •Improving •Increasing •Initiate •It •Job •Legal •Liberalization •Making •More •Necessity •Not •Offer •Opportunity •Payment •Physical •Policy •Political •Price •Products •Proper •Rapidly •Reduce •Reduction •Regular •Relativity: •Removal •Responsibility •Run •Setting •Simplifying •Social •Specific •Technological •The •There •These •They •Timely •To •Totality •Uncertainty: •Unfair •firm •not Employees GDP balance consumer currency economic financial inflation inventory merchandise unemployment

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Business Administration – 7,727 Words

Business Environment

1. Discuss how the surroundings acts does as a stimulant to business. Analyze why commercial enterprise often does little for the protection of physical surroundings no matter the fact that it is widespread for business activity. (10 Marks) 2 Explain the relevance of ecological troubles to enterprise surroundings (10 Marks) three What do you understand by means of Business Social Responsibility (B S R). How this can be used to enhance the Business Environment. (10 Marks) 4 Explain how the enterprise in a business enterprise can be regulated with regard to the Organization’s Basic Objectives. (10 Marks)