AFTER THOUSANDS OF TRUMP SUPPORTERS RALLY IN D.C., After thousands of Trump supporters rally in D.C., violence erupts when night falls Marissa Lang, Michael Miller, Peter Jamison, Justin Wm. Moyer, C

AFTER THOUSANDS OF TRUMP SUPPORTERS RALLY IN D.C., After thousands of Trump supporters rally in D.C., violence erupts when night falls Marissa Lang, Michael Miller, Peter Jamison, Justin Wm. Moyer, C

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After thousands of Trump supporters rally in D.C., violence erupts when night falls

Marissa Lang, Michael Miller, Peter Jamison, Justin Wm. Moyer, Clarence Williams, Peter Hermann, Fredrick Kunkle, John Woodrow Cox  7 hrs ago

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The Washington Post logoAfter thousands of Trump supporters rally in D.C., violence erupts when night falls


President Trump’s supporters had celebrated for hours on Saturday, waving their MAGA flags and blaring “God Bless the U.S.A.” as they gathered in Washington to falsely claim that the election had been stolen from the man they adore. The crowd had even reveled in a personal visit from Trump, who passed by in his motorcade, smiling and waving.




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Trump supporters and far-right groups take to the streets of D.C.

But that was before the people who oppose their hero showed up and the mood shifted, growing angrier as 300 or so counterprotesters delivered a message the president’s most ardent backers were unwilling to hear: The election is over. Trump lost.


On stark display in the nation’s capital were two irreconcilable versions of America, each refusing to accept what the other considered to be undeniable fact.


While much of the day unfolded peacefully, brief but intense clashes erupted throughout. Activists spewed profanity and shouted threats, threw punches and launched bottles. On both sides, people were bloodied, and at least 20 were arrested, including four whose allegiances remain unknown on gun charges. The chaos also left two officers injured.



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