FIGHT CLUB'S PHILOSOPHY Today, a large part of society revolves around entertainment, such as movies, television shows, and novels. Many of these forms of entertainment contain hints of philosophical

FIGHT CLUB'S PHILOSOPHY Today, a large part of society revolves around entertainment, such as movies, television shows, and novels. Many of these forms of entertainment contain hints of philosophical

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Today, a large part of society revolves around entertainment, such as movies, television shows, and novels. Many of these forms of entertainment contain hints of philosophical ideas in the content. They aid in the exposure of philosophy to the public through obscure meanings hiding behind interesting plots. No matter how intricate or how simple the plot may be, philosophical lessons could always be concealed in the characteristics of the protagonist of a book, or in the script of a movie.

A clear example of these hidden meanings in works of entertainment is the movie Fight Club. This movie tells the story of a man that remains nameless throughout the movie. This man, who is the film's narrator, is portrayed as a mediocre businessman. The narrator mainly keeps to himself and stays invisible to the world, feeling somewhat trapped and restricted by an unknown cause. His dull life is