Gen. Mattis' Unprecedented Critique of Trump reveals the scope of America's crisis. On Monday, riot police supported by both National Guard t Jeff McCausland of NBC 2
Gen. Mattis' Unprecedented Critique of Trump reveals the scope of America's crisis. On Monday, riot police supported by both National Guard t Jeff McCausland of NBC 2
Gen. Mattis' Unprecedented Critique of Trump reveals the scope of America's crisis. Jeff McCausland of NBC news reported that:
On Monday, riot police supported by both National Guard troops and other federal agencies rousted peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square so President Donald Trump could walk to St. John's Episcopal Church for a photo op. Trump's understanding of the protesters — and their anger with America's longstanding problems with racism and police brutality — appears exceedingly limited. He described himself as "your president of law and order" and warned that the nation was "gripped by professional anarchists, violent mobs, or, arsonists, looters, criminals."
But the nation's top military leaders have a different perspective. In a series of striking critiques this week, senior retired military officers including former Secretary of Defense and retired Gen. James Mattis spoke out forcefully and unequivocally against the president. This is not a disagreement over policy, but rather an indictment of the commander in chief's leadership and competency at a critical moment for the nation. For senior retired military officers to level such criticism against a serving president is