ETHICAL REASONING ESSAY EXAMPLE It is a fact that most of our everyday activities require to make use of some critical thinking. And when it comes to it, nobody is an absolute beginner. However, 1600w

ETHICAL REASONING ESSAY EXAMPLE It is a fact that most of our everyday activities require to make use of some critical thinking. And when it comes to it, nobody is an absolute beginner. However, 1600w

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Ethical principles are not a matter of subjective preference. All reasonable people are obligated to respect clear-cut ethical concepts and principles. To reason well through ethical issues, we must know how to apply ethical concepts and principles reasonably to those issues. Ethical concepts and principles should be distinguished from the norms and taboos of society and peer group, religious teachings, political ideologies, and the law. The most significant barriers to sound ethical reasoning are the egocentrism and sociocentrism of human beings.

Following that discussion, we emphasize three essential components in sound ethical reasoning: (1) the principles upon which ethics is grounded, (2) the counterfeits to avoid, and (3) the pathology of the human mind. We must learn to check our thinking for egocentrism, sociocentrism, and self-deception. This, in turn, requires development of the intellectual dispositions described earlier in the book, including intellectual humility, intellectual integrity, and fair-mindedness. What these same