QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Qualitative research methodologies come from the understanding of f disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, psychology, linguistics, communication, economics, and semiotic

QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Qualitative research methodologies come from the understanding of f disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, psychology, linguistics, communication, economics, and semiotic

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Qualitative research methodologies come from the understanding of f disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, psychology, linguistics, communication, economics, and semiotics. Historically, qualitative methodologies have been available much longer—some as early as the 19th century than the quantitative tools marketers rely on so heavily. (2014) Donald R. Cooper Quantitative research attempts precise measurement of something. In business research, quantitative methodologies usually measure consumer behavior, knowledge, opinions, or attitudes.

Such methodologies answer questions related to how much, how often, how many, when, and who (2014) Donald R. Cooper There are a few methods researchers’ uses to acquire or validate data; The interview is the primary data collection technique for gathering data in qualitative methodologies. Interviews vary based on the number of people involved during the interview, the level of structure, the proximity of the interviewer to the participant, and the number of interviews conducted during the