The Advantages of the Adoption of Technology in the Human Resource Departments    The advancement in technology has enabled firms to make various changes in their organizations especially in the funct

The Advantages of the Adoption of Technology in the Human Resource Departments    The advancement in technology has enabled firms to make various changes in their organizations especially in the funct

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The Advantages of the Adoption of Technology in the Human Resource Departments  

 The advancement in technology has enabled firms to make various changes in their organizations especially in the functionality of the human resource departments. Some of the advantages of the adoption of technology in the human resource departments may include.

Cost decrease: the impact of adoption of technology in the human resource management has decreased costs in several ways. The technology implemented in the human resource management reduces the processes and the works that are done by the different departments. Some of the areas that the costs have been reduced include the postal costs, the data processing costs and the announcement costs as the different firms can just advertise for open positions on their social media platforms. Through the use of e-recruiting and e-selections, the costs of