Geriatrics The elderly has unique psychological, social, emotional, and physical needs that require nursing attention.  Nurses who care for the elderly are usually involved in dealing with age relate

Geriatrics The elderly has unique psychological, social, emotional, and physical needs that require nursing attention.  Nurses who care for the elderly are usually involved in dealing with age relate

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The elderly has unique psychological, social, emotional, and physical needs that require nursing attention.  Nurses who care for the elderly are usually involved in dealing with age related problems as well as treating chronic illnesses and some which are also related to the age. The main areas of involvement by geriatric nurses include preventing or delaying the onset of illnesses as well as working together with the families of the elderly in managing those with chronic illnesses. The elderly in America are particularly prone to chronic illnesses where among the 70 million of Americans aged 50 and above, four out of five of them suffer from a chronic condition (AARP Public Policy Institute, 2019).

Roles that Nurses Offer to Adults over 50

There are three main roles that nurses offer to the adults over 50 years include managing their health