A Study on the Component Skills Required of a Human Resource Advisor             Included in the time period are the years of experience as DOT # 169.167-034 Manager, Office, DOT # 166.117-018 Manager

A Study on the Component Skills Required of a Human Resource Advisor             Included in the time period are the years of experience as DOT # 169.167-034 Manager, Office, DOT # 166.117-018 Manager

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A Study on the Component Skills Required of a Human Resource Advisor

            Included in the time period are the years of experience as DOT # 169.167-034 Manager, Office, DOT # 166.117-018 Manager, Personnel, and DOT # 162.117-018 Contract Administrator.  Each of these experiences open up further advancement opportunities for  one to expand the career in human resources and advance to where one is currently employed at IBM as a contracts administrator. 

            The component skills involved with my employment as a Human Resource Advisor are:  Hiring, Managing, Accounting, Communicating, Coordinating, Educating, and Writing

Hiring – One is responsible for selecting the most qualified candidates whom possess the technical skills to fill positions for a high tech company.The candidates must meet the requirementsset forth from the manager. These functions include project/program management,