Holistic care of a terminally-ill neonate in Australia In the Australian tertiary health care system, ‘best practice’ in the care of a terminally-ill neonate and the neonate’s family centers on the pr
Holistic care of a terminally-ill neonate in Australia In the Australian tertiary health care system, ‘best practice’ in the care of a terminally-ill neonate and the neonate’s family centers on the pr
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Holistic care of a terminally-ill neonate in Australia
In the Australian tertiary health care system, ‘best practice’ in the care of a terminally-ill neonate and the neonate’s family centers on the provision of ‘holistic care’. Neonates and their families are considered an interdependent system; therefore, holistic care involves the complete physical and psychological care of both the neonate and the family. However, quality holistic care can be challenging for nurses to achieve, particularly in a complex palliative model of care. This paper discusses the best practice holistic care of a terminally ill neonate and the neonate’s family in the context of the Australian tertiary health care system.
The term ‘palliative care’ refers to the withholding and / or withdrawal of life sustaining