FINAL True/False Questions rue/False Questions 1. The task of any business is to deliver customer value at a profit. True (easy) Companies that subscribe to the traditional view of marketing have th
FINAL True/False Questions rue/False Questions 1. The task of any business is to deliver customer value at a profit. True (easy) Companies that subscribe to the traditional view of marketing have th
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Omar One Online Operations. Outbound Outsourcing Owner Partnership PayPal Peppers Personnel Ping Placing Poisson Porter’s Post Proactive Process Procurement. Product Prospect Province Psychic Quality Questions Raise Reducing Refer Relationship Repeat Restaurant Retention. Retroactive Rhys Rhys. Rhys’ Rogers’ SV650. Sanya Satisfaction Satisfies Sensitivity Sequence Sequence, Service. Services Serving Shanghai, She Since Skilled Some Southwest Sperm-to-worm States Stay Strategic Suzuki Taco Talk Technology The Their There These Thinking This To Total Traditional Traditionally, True True/False UPS United Upgrade Use VCDS Value Value-delivery Verizon’s Virgin Wal-Mart Wales. Walk Web What When Where Which While Why With Within You _________. __________ __________. a a. ability able about above above. abundant accept acceptable accessible, accomplished according accordingly account accountable accountant accounting accounts acknowledge acknowledgement acquisition act acting action actionable actions active. activities activity activity-based actual actually add-on adding additional advantage advantage, advantage? advantages. advertising, advertising. advocates affected affordable after against ago, ago. airline airlines all allows along also alternatives. altogether. always always. among amount amount, an analysis analysis). analysis. analysis; and announce answer answer. answers answers, antique antiques antiques. antiquing. any applied approached approving are as assessment assumptions assured at athletic attempting attending attract attracting, attrition available average avoid avoiding b b. back bad bank bar. base. based basic basically be beach. because become becomes bed been before began beginning begins behavior. being benchmarking benefit), benefit). benefits benefits. best bets better better. between beyond bikes bit bonds boost bosses both bought brand brand, brand. bread breakfast breakfasts. budget budget. build building building, building? bundle burnout business business. businesses businessman. but buy buyer buyer’s buying by c. call called called? calls calories can candy cannot capabilities capability car cards carefully casual cause causes center center; certain chain chain, chance channel. characterized charging checking cheese, choice. choices choose choosing churn. class clauses client clients clients. co-prosperity code cognitive collect collecting collection collectively comes comfortable commitment communicate communicating communication communications companies companies. company company. company’s compared compatible competencies, competency competent, competing competition. competitive competitively-priced competitors compile, complain. complaints complete completely component comprehensive concepts condiments, conducted conference conformance consider consideration considered considering consists consumer consumers consumer’s continually continuous contracts contracts. convenience conversion. convert conveyed copy copycat core correct correct. correctly correlation cost cost-benefit cost. costing costing; costly costly. costs costs) costs), costs). costs, costs. cost†could create creating creation creation, credit cultivating current, customer customer, customer-development customer-oriented. customer. customer? customers customers), customers, customers. customers; customers? customers—fire customers’ customer’s customization d. daily data database databases day days, decides decisions, deepening deeper deeply defection defection? define defined definition deliver deliver, delivered delivered. deliveries delivers delivery demanding. department. depending design design, design. designed designers. desire desired despite detailed determinants determined developing, development development, development. dichotomy did differ, difference different differs difficult difficult. difficulty direction disappointed. disappointed.(moderate) disappoints. discounts discourage discriminatory discuss disposing disqualified dissatisfied disseminating distinctive distinguish distribution do do? doing doing. done don’t double downside drag drawing driver drivers driving e. each easier easily easy economic economic, economies edge efficiently?†effort efforts efforts. either emails employees encounters encouraging endure energy energy, engine engineering engineering. enhanced enhancing enough ensuring entering equal equity equity. equity? escalator essay, estimates etc. etc.), etc.). ethical evaluating evaluating, evaluation even ever every ex-customers. example example, examples exceeding exceeds existing expect expect. expectations expectations: expected expensive experience experienced experiences expert. experts, exploration, extent externally extract extremely face faces facts, failure fast fastest favorably fee. feeding feel fees fees; fewer fields filling fills final financial financially. find findings finds firm firm, first first-time five flier fliers). focus focuses followed following following, following? follows food foodservice for for, force, forefront forfeit forgiving. forming found framework frequency frequent frequent, friend friends. from fulfillment full full-time, functional, fussy future future, gather gathering generally generation, get getting given go goal? goes going going. gone good good, goods goods. grand great greatly group) group, group. groups grow growing growth guarantee guarantees had half hands, has have having he hear held held, help helping helps hence her here herself, high high, high-quality high. higher highest highlight highly him hire his hold. holding home homework hope horsepower, hot, hotel hotel, hotel. hotel/motel hotel’s hour household, how hungry, idea idea: ideas identification identified, identifies identify identifying if illegal illustrate illustrates image image. impact impeccable implement implied important improve improvement improvement. improving in inactive include include: includes including increase increasing incur independent individual industrial industry industry, industry. inexpensive inferences influences information infrastructure. inputs insurance integral integrates intelligence, internal internally internally. into introduce invent inventory invest investment investment. investor involve involved involves irritation is it it. its it’s job joining just key kind knowing knowledge knowledge. knowledgeable large large, latter launching lead learning least leavers leaving less less-frequent level levels liaison life lifestyles. lifetime like likely limited list list. little living local locals lodging logistics. long-term long-term, longer longer-waiting longer. longevity looking lose loss losses. lost low, low-margin low-profit lower loyal loyal-customer loyalty loyalty. loyalty—but lunchtime, luxury made mailing main maintain maintaining, maintains maintenance maintenance, major majority make makes making making. managed managed. management management. management; management—he manager managing many marked market market, market. marketer marketer. marketers marketers’ marketer’s marketing marketing, marketing. marketplace marketplace. markets mass matching materials mathematical maximize may meal mean meaning measure measured. measuring meat, meet member members members. mental mentions menus messages met micro microbusinesses might miles minds, minority minus mix model moderately monetary money money, more more), morning, most most; mostly motorcycle motorcycles mouth), move movies much must mutually name names nearly necessary need. needs needs. needs: never new news news. next nice nicely nicer, niche nine no non-competing none nonmonetary normally, not note now number objective observation. obtaining obtaining, occasion oceanfront of offer offered offering offering, offering. offerings offerings. offers offers. often on once once-in-a-lifetime one one-to-one ones. ongoing online only opportunities. options? or order orders orders, orders. organization) organization-wide organization. organizational organized other others ounces out out; outlets, outspend over own owner owns paid part participate partners partners. partnership partnerships patterns. paying payments. per perceived percent percent; perceptions performance performed perhaps person, personal phase phenomenon phone phone, piano. pioneered place planners play pledge plenty plus point points points.†points†pool; portion position positioning positioning. positive, positively possibilities possibilities: potential practice. practices practices. pre-customers precedes preferences. preferred preferring present price prices prices. pricing pricing, pricing. pricy, primary prior privately privileges. proactive probably problem process process, process. process? processes proclivity procurement produce produce, product product, product. production products products, products. product—from product’s professionals profit profit. profitability profitability, profitability. profitable profitable. profitably profitably. profits profits. program program. programs programs. programs? promise promised promote promotion, promotion. promotional proper proposition prospect prospective prospects prospects. provides providing provision. psychic psychological purchase purchase, purchase. purchased purchases purchases. purchasing purpose purposes pursuing pushes puts quadrupled qualification, quality quality. quality? queries, question queues quick quickly raise raises raising rank rate rate. rate? ratio rational re-buy re-patronize re-sale re-vamp reactivating reactive read ready realization reason reasonably reasons reasons. reasons? received receiving recently recycle redefinition reduce reducing regional relate related related? relationship relationship. relationships relationships. relative relevant reliably. remain remembering reminder renting repatronize repeat report represents repurchase requirements: requires research researching, reservations; resource resources resources), responsive restaurant restaurant. restaurants restaurants; result resulting results retail retailers retailing. retained retaining, retention retention? return revenue reward rewarded rich ride right, roles room room), route rule runs sale sales salespeople salespeople, same satisfaction satisfaction, satisfaction. satisfaction? satisfied satisfied, satisfied. satisfy satisfying school’ scrapbooking seafood search second seek segmenting selecting selection, sell selling selling, selling. sells sending sensing sensitive sensitive. sent serve serve, serve. service service, service. service; services services, servicing serving set sets sets. setting she shipping shops short shortages should show similar site site. situational six slight small smaller smarter. smooth social software software-based solution solutions some something soon sophisticated source sourcing space speaking specialists. specific spends stage stakeholders. stand standard started stated statement statistical stay stems step steps stick still store stores stores, strategic strategically strategy strategy? stream strengthen strengthening stresses stressing strive strong stronger strongly structural subjective subscribe succeeding success successful such suffer suggest suggestions suggests superior supplier support support, supports surveys suspects switching synthesis system system, system. system? systems tactical tailored take takes taking talk talked target targeting task tasting technique techniques technological tend tendency tends term termed text. than that the their them them! then there these they they’re thing things think thinking third third-party thirsty this those through ties time time). time, time. to too tools total touch tourists toward towel town. tracks trade traditional transaction, transactions travel treated truck true true, true? trying turning twelve two two-step type types ultimate underemployed underlying understand understanding understands unit-sale unprofitable unprofitable, unresponsive up upfront upgrade upper use uses using using, utility utilizing value value, value-delivery value. value.†value? valued value†valueâ€), variation: variation†varies varying vegetables vehicle, very via view view, visit want wants warehouse warehousing warm warranty was way ways ways. well well, well. were what when where which who will with within without won’t word work worst worth worth. would year year. years yields you young your zip zone “Deep†“How “buzzy†“choose “choosing “communicate “customer “fire†“firing†“freedom “freedom†“mine†“old “produce†“provide “relationship†“repeat†“satisfied†“total “touch
True/False Questions 1. The task of any business is to deliver customer value at a profit. True (easy)
Companies that subscribe to the traditional view of marketing have the bets chance of succeeding in markets where the consumer faces abundant choice. False (moderate)
According to the value chain, every firm is a synthesis of activities performed to design, produce, market, deliver, support, and recycle its products. False (difficult) 4.