WHY STUDY HISTORY Peter Sterns says that we need to study history and here are a few reasons why we should study history: History Helps Us Understand People and Societies- We can use history 500w
WHY STUDY HISTORY Peter Sterns says that we need to study history and here are a few reasons why we should study history: History Helps Us Understand People and Societies- We can use history 500w
Peter Sterns says that we need to study history and here are a few reasons why we should study history: History Helps Us Understand People and Societies- We can use history from the past to explain why we act the way we do. We can also use the past to formulate laws or theories about human behavior. History Helps Us Understand Change and How the Society We Live in came to be- we can use history to understand why things occur and history shows us a trend we can see what made a trend rise or fall and according to that we can change things to our advantage.