THE IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING THE HISTORY OF HISTORYThis paper is meant to focus on the importance of the facts and history that lead up to, and surround the history of a major historical event. It  700W

THE IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING THE HISTORY OF HISTORYThis paper is meant to focus on the importance of the facts and history that lead up to, and surround the history of a major historical event. It  700W

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This paper is meant to focus on the importance of the facts and history that lead up to, and surround the history of a major historical event. It will show that there is more meaning to an event such as the Vietnam War if you are able to understand the culture, beliefs, and impacts that surround Vietnam prior to the war. This will allow for a better understanding of why a war took place and how it affected those who lived in the country at that time. It is also important to know where to look to gain this information.