CAN A HISTORIAN LOOK AT THE PAST OBJECTIVELY? So, what we can conclude from all this is: a) Historian aspires, at most, to a representation of the past. b) Hence, the historian, with his    PT2  2500w

CAN A HISTORIAN LOOK AT THE PAST OBJECTIVELY? So, what we can conclude from all this is: a) Historian aspires, at most, to a representation of the past. b) Hence, the historian, with his    PT2  2500w

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So, what we can conclude from all this is: a) Historian aspires, at most, to a representation of the past. b) Hence, the historian, with his moral and ideological beliefs, is present on his work, as he interprets and establishes connections from the present. c) This doesn’t mean that the outcome is a mere creation: his construction is supposed to be bonded to reality, to the ideal of “how it was”. If he rejects that, reducing it to a mere self-expression of personal moral and ideological points of view, is doing anything but history.


4.2) Why?

This issue will be briefly sketched out, with the main aim of presenting the point of view stood along the essay. Why history? Why is historical inquiry of interest?… We have found an almost infinite range of points of view along the bibliography selected, from its justification due to the explanation of development of human values through history, to the argument that is the only way of understand our contemporary context.[19] As we will see on following lines the “Why?” stood by the historian determines the “How?” is the research carried on.