What Is Public Health Wanless (2019, p.27 [online]) defines public health as “the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and inform

What Is Public Health Wanless (2019, p.27 [online]) defines public health as “the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and inform


& (2019, (Acheson, (Alcock, (BMA, (Coleman, (DoH, (Ewles (Ewles, (Kozier, (Local (Marmot, (NHS (NHS, (NICE) (NICE, (NOF, (Naidoo (Pearson, (Triggle, (WHO) (WHO, (which 1948, 1998 2002, 2003 2003, 2004 2005, 2006 2006, 2007, 2008 2008, 2010 2010) 2010, 2011 2020, ; A Access Acheson, Activity Additionally, As Book’, Change4life Children Clinical Cost Diet, Discuss Each Education Educational Evidence Excellence Following From Give Global Health Healthcare Healthy Health’ Identify In Institute Is It Lives, Local Many Medal Mortality Motion, NICE, National Northeast, Nurses Obese Obesity One Organisation Other Parental People People’ Physical Policies Poverty Public Relative Select Simnett, Start, Strategy Sure The There These They This UK WHO Wanless What Why Wills, Without World [online] [online]) [online]), [online]). a able about absence absolute access access, achievement acting action activities activity address addressed adequate adulthood advantage adverse adversely advertising advice advocate affect affected affects afford afforded against age, aid aim alcohol all all, allows alone also amount an and annually, annum another any applies appointment appointments approach are around art as as, assessing assist at attend attitudes authorities availability available average avoiding awareness bare barrier barriers based basic be because become been behaviour, behaviours, behind being below between biggest blood body booking both breastfeeding, building burden but by called campaigns can care carrying certain challenges chance chances changes channels. charges child childhood children children’s child’s choices choices. chosen classes classes. clients clinical clinics clothing combination combined common communication communities compared complete complex concepts concerns condition conditions conjunction consequences consequences. consultation consumption contemporary continue continued continues continuing contributing control coronary cost costs could country country, cycle day death decent decisions define defines definition delaying dental depression deprivation, describe described despite developed developing diabetes, diet, diet-related dietary dietician diets, different difficult disabled disadvantaged discrimination discuss discussing disease disease, diseases, disorders distances distribution. do drug due each early easier eat eating economic educate education education, educational effects, efforts eleven emotional employment encourage encourages energy engage ensure ensuring environment especially establish estimated ethnic evaluate evaluates even example excess exist expectancy extended eye face facing factors families family fat financial find fitness five focus following food food, foods foods, for four framework framework, free, from fruit gap gap’ gender, geographical give given global good goods government governments great greater groups groups, guidance guidance, guidelines has have health health. health: healthcare healthcare, healthier healthy heart heating. heavily help helps high higher home. hospitals housing, how however, human hyperlipidaemia idea ideally ideas identify if illness illnesses implementation importance important improve improvement improves improving in include includes income income, increase increased increased, increases increasing incremental independently indicator individual individuals individuals, individuals”. individual’s inequalities infants infirmity” influenced information informed inhibit initiative initiatives initiatives. insurance, intake internet interpret interventions interventions? into intricately introduced investigation, involve is issue issue. issues issues. it its just key knowledge labelling lack language, launched lead leaflet leaflets, learn left less level level. levels levels: life lifestyles likely limited limited. link linked live lives lives. lives’, living local locality location location, long longer longer, lottery’ low lower main maintenance major make making manage management marketing may mean means measure measured measurement measures media mental merely messages metabolic minds minimum model modern money, monitor monitors more mortality most most, national nationwide necessary needed needs network. new northeast not number nurse nurses nurses, nutrition, nutritional obese obesity obesity, occupation of offer offered offering olds on only onto opportunities optimise or order organizations, organized other others, out outlined over overall overweight own p.101 p.133). p.148 p.15). p.16 p.2). p.20). p.27 p.27). p.37 p.39 p.44 p.44). p.45 p.45). p.49 p.64). p.71). p.75 p.8 p.8). p.9 p.95) package paper papers parental parents particular particularly parts pass patients patterns pay people per perceptions person personal physical physical, place placed policy poor poorest population possesses possible. postcode poster poverty practices prejudice premature prematurely prescription prescriptions. pressure prevalence preventative preventing prevention prevention, previously primarily priority, problem problem-solving process. professionals professionals, programme programmes programmes, prolonging promote promoting promotion prompted protect provide provision psychological psychosocial public radio, rates readily receive received recent recommendations reduce reducing reduction referrals regulate regulation relating relation relative relatively relies religion, reported required requires residential resources rest result, rise risk role routinely scheme school schools. science screening screening, sedentary seek self-esteem self-esteem, sensibly, sensitivity service service. services set sets shelter short shorter should significant significantly simplified situations skills small smoking so social society society, socio-economic solid some specialist specific spent sports stability standard stated status stigmatisation, strategies strategy stress, success such such, suffer suffering sufficient suggests support supports susceptible sustain syndrome tackle take taken, talking targeted tasting) teaching techniques television television, ten tend tendency term tests than that the their them themselves there therefore these they this those though through time times to today toolkit towards transmissible transport travel treatment treatments treatments. turn, types understanding uneven unhealthy unique untreated, up upper used used. useful variation varies vegetable vegetables vegetables, vitally walk was watching way we wealth, wealthiest weaning weigh weight weight, well-being were what when where which which, whilst white who will with within working workshops would year years your £4.2billion ‘Choose ‘Global ‘Healthy ‘Herceptin ‘health ‘health’ ‘postcode “state “the

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Wanless (2019, p.27 [online]) defines public health as “the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, communities and individuals”. From this definition we can establish that the main focus of public health is to reduce health inequalities with the key concepts being to protect the public from transmissible diseases, improving service provision and to promote the health of the population (Naidoo and Wills, 2020, p.8). Health promotion and public health are intricately linked as the idea behind health promotion is to encourage individuals to have greater control over the decisions that affect their overall health.