Holistic Care in Sexual Health Assessments Indeed, a lot of changes happened particularly on how the people deal on health issues. In the past, medical concerns are not the main concern of the swords

Holistic Care in Sexual Health Assessments Indeed, a lot of changes happened particularly on how the people deal on health issues. In the past, medical concerns are not the main concern of the swords


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Holistic Care in Sexual Health Assessments 2389 words

Indeed, a lot of changes happened particularly on how the people deal on health issues. In the past, medical concerns are not the main concern of the society. However, in the 21st century, due to some factors that affect the health of individuals, diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension are the major problems of the population. Because of these, responsibility for health plays a major role in national and international healthcare policy. The government implemented some strategies to address the health concerns of the society. For instance, the governing bodies increased the healthcare budget because of the mushrooming health problems. However, some people argue that prevention is better than cure and they contest that the government must spend more of their financial budget on activities that