Ensuring Effective Assessment in Psychiatry and Mental Health Nursing Essay1In the domain of psychiatry and specifically in mental health nursing, it is essential t680 words (7 pages) Essay in Nursing
Ensuring Effective Assessment in Psychiatry and Mental Health Nursing Essay1In the domain of psychiatry and specifically in mental health nursing, it is essential t680 words (7 pages) Essay in Nursing
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Ensuring Effective Assessment in Psychiatry and Mental Health Nursing Essay1680 words (7 pages) Essay in Nursing
In the domain of psychiatry and specifically in mental health nursing, it is essential that an early, quality assessment with accurate information is gathered about the patient. Psychotic, neurotic and depressed behaviours are all different. Sullivan (1990) makes it clear that poor assessment and/or misinterpretation of a patient’s presentation can be critical to their well-being and subsequent treatment or therapies. Bearing this in mind, it becomes vital that the mental health nurse is adept at