Health Well-Known Fact - 3861 Words

Health Well-Known Fact - 3861 Words


"Saving % & (1981), (41 (PEM) (U.P). (defined (the , - .5580 .Moreover .Program .[8] .because / /Journal.pone. 1,000 1. 108 1960’s 1970’s 1975. 1981 1999. 2 2. 2002. 2003. 2005, 2006. 2007. 2008, 24 3. 31P. 33 37, 3861 39% 4. 415 49.7 5 5. 50 50-60 57% 6. 67,000 7. 8. 90 : :10 A A.F., AMONG AND ANDSCOPE AWARENESS About According Actually All Amartya American An Analysis Analyze And Anganwadi Another Are Arrow. As Asia, Asiruddin, At B.D., BASTI, BIBLIOGRAPHY Bangladesh. Bangladesh”, Basti Basti, Basti. Between Books, Both Burden But CASE Care Care: Cauterization: Child Children, Council Critical Current D.N., DISTRICT DOI Delhi Delhi, Delhi. Delivery Despite Discovery During E., Early Ensuring Erin Fact Family Fertility For Foundation Functional Future G., Given Globally, Government H., H.J., HEALTH Health Health, Heidi Helal, Her House, How However, Hypothesis: I I. I., I.C.D.S ICDS INTRODUCTION: ISSUES If Improving In India India, India. 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It is a well-known fact that the growth and development of a child begins from the mother’s womb. Right from the development of the child in the mother’s womb even at the time of birth and also till the child grows older. The child needs special care nutrition and regular health checkups. It is an obligatory duty of the parents as well as the birth right of the child to get the proper care and the