Vulnerable Populations within the U.S. Healthcare system This paper is a summary of a wide array of facilities within the ACA (Advanced Care Act) that is an attempt to put forward a model and groundwo
Vulnerable Populations within the U.S. Healthcare system This paper is a summary of a wide array of facilities within the ACA (Advanced Care Act) that is an attempt to put forward a model and groundwo
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Vulnerable Populations within the U.S. Healthcare system
This paper is a summary of a wide array of facilities within the ACA (Advanced Care Act) that is an attempt to put forward a model and groundwork for re-fabricating the healthcare delivery system to vulnerable populations. Key requirements strengthen the long-term-care reform by bettering the range of care within various domains, namely: “long-term care insurance, home- and community-based services (HCBS) expansion, care coordination, and workforce reinforcement (Galewitz, 2019).
Defining Vulnerable Populations