Ageing Phase of Life Though ageing is an inevitable process, it is still surrounded by misconceptions (Cavanaugh & Blanchard-Fields, 2019) and, often, by the negative attitude (Lee, et. al., 2019).

Ageing Phase of Life Though ageing is an inevitable process, it is still surrounded by misconceptions (Cavanaugh & Blanchard-Fields, 2019) and, often, by the negative attitude (Lee, et. al., 2019).


& &Wagner, (2007), (2007). (6th (Barkan (Binstock (COTA, (Canja, (Cavanaugh (Craik (Eds.), (Hilts, (Lee, (Luszcz, (Perls (Sawchuk, (Stock, (Stuart (Stuart-Hamilton, (TOMM): (Teichner - 1-5, 1. 10 100 100: 11 116–129 12 13 15-17 16: 171–185. 1968). 1968. 1986 1995) 1995. 1999) 1999), 1999, 1999. 2 2. 20(1–2), 2001). 2001. 2003. 2003; 2004). 2004, 2004. 2006. 2006; 2007). 2007, 2007. 2008). 2008. 2008.Handbook 2009) 2009), 2009. 2011). 2011. 2018. 2019) 2019), 2019). 209–224. 21 21(1): 21(3), 23-30 24-27. 3 3. 33). 35 39, 3: 4 40 40, 40. 40s. 45(2), 5 50, 50s 51). 554-559 59A. 6 60% 60s 62 62-year 62-year-old 62-years-old, 6: 7 70 70, 70s 70s-80s. 75-year-old 75-years-old 78-year-old 78-years-old 8 9 95–134. A. A., A.: Academic Adams Adams, Adult After Age-related Ageing Ageing. Aging Aging, Aging. All Almost America America, American Americans: Analyzing Answering Archives As At Australia, B. 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R., References Reflecting Religion, Religious Representation Research Research, Review S. Salthouse, Sawchuk, Scientist, She Silver, So, Social Some Speaking Specialists Speeches, Spirituality Starting Stock, Stuart-Hamilton, Studies. Survey. T. T., Teichner, Test That The Themes There They This Thomson. Though Through Times, UK. 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Ageing Phase of Life

Though ageing is an inevitable process, it is still surrounded by misconceptions

(Cavanaugh & Blanchard-Fields, 2019) and, often, by the negative attitude (Lee, et. al., 2019).

Age-related changes are, primarily, associated with biological changes, changes in intelligence

(Stuart-Hamilton, 2019), and social changes. Gerontologists and psychologists pay much

attention to psychical and psychological changes in ageing people (Craik & Salthouse, 2018.

Binstock & George, 2019), as their understanding is an important prerequisite for successful

integration of ageing people in social life. Specialists agree that creating a positive image of

ageing is a pivot step to establishing communication between the generations and creating

harmonious community, so, it should be understood as an opportunity (Hilts, 1999), rather than a