GOD AND MAN 1945 WORDS Ecclesiastes, unlike Acts, Romans, or Hebrews, does not seem to come right out and discuss the topic of faith. The writer shares about his own life and the pursuit of satis
GOD AND MAN 1945 WORDS Ecclesiastes, unlike Acts, Romans, or Hebrews, does not seem to come right out and discuss the topic of faith. The writer shares about his own life and the pursuit of satis
1945 WORDS
Ecclesiastes, unlike Acts, Romans, or Hebrews, does not seem to come right out and discuss the topic of faith. The writer shares about his own life and the pursuit of satisfaction and happiness in his own power. In all of the things he tried to find happiness in,
he only found that everything apart from God is meaningless and vain. When he accepted the fact that God has a plan that He is working it out in the author 's life, and that all he needs to do is allow Him to work, it was only then that he was able to find true satisfaction and happiness. He then calls the readers to not walk in the same way of meaninglessness as he had, but rather to seek God first, and reap the