COMPARING DESCARTES GOD AND THE CHRISTIAN GOD 1572 WORDS Do we need a watchmaker god or the Christian God and how is it related to living a good life? The subject of god has always fascinated me
COMPARING DESCARTES GOD AND THE CHRISTIAN GOD 1572 WORDS Do we need a watchmaker god or the Christian God and how is it related to living a good life? The subject of god has always fascinated me
1572 WORDS
Do we need a watchmaker god or the Christian God and how is it related to living a good life? The subject of god has always fascinated me, and I love to read how others interpret their personal gods. It is also interesting to see how people prioritize their
gods in their life and what importance they give their gods. I believe that the Christian God is the true God and exactly what we need to live a good life. We need to have a goal and an end, which is eternal happiness with God.