21ST CENTURY SITUATIONAL ETHICS Although the term “Situational Ethics” only seems to appear in Joseph Fletcher’s book named Situation Ethics: The New Morality in 1966, partial and similar ideas 2700w
21ST CENTURY SITUATIONAL ETHICS Although the term “Situational Ethics” only seems to appear in Joseph Fletcher’s book named Situation Ethics: The New Morality in 1966, partial and similar ideas 2700w
Although the term “Situational Ethics” only seems to appear in Joseph Fletcher’s book named Situation Ethics: The New Morality in 1966, partial and similar ideas of situational ethics have been in the mind of others earlier before. Such as will be Durant Drake that published The New Morality, Emil Brunner with his published work “Divine Imperative” as well as Reinhold Niebuhr with his Moral Man and Immoral Society. During the same year where Fletcher published his book, John Robinson published his book named Honest to God. Although as equally popular as Fletcher’s book, it was Fletchers book that seemed simpler and less systematic. In 1952, The Roman Catholic Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office labeled this new principle as the new morality.
Pros and cons of situational ethics
Similar to other ethical principles, Situational Ethics has its pros and cons as well. To make things simple, following are the pros and cons of the Fletcher’s Model of Situation Ethics that is based upon Christian Love:-
Situational Ethics is personal. Since Situational Ethics is based on the teachings that ethical decisions should be made based on flexible guidelines it demonstrates sensitivity towards circumstances, context, particularity and cultural traditions; besides, it has only a single basic principle to adhere to, ‘love’, so people can freely, easily, and creatively make their decisions in the various situations among the numerous alternatives available. Thus, this ethical theory may seem attractive to the many individualistic human beings exist in this modern era.
Situational Ethics is specific. In Situational Ethics moral decisions are made on a case-by-case basis as in there is no fixed solution to various cases. Therefore, decisions made depend on the situation one is in and the solution to each situation is unique. (why is this