Entertainment and People Entertainment Today and in the Past and how it has changed People The online OxfordDictionaries provides the following definition of entertainment: “…as an act ofproviding or
Entertainment and People Entertainment Today and in the Past and how it has changed People The online OxfordDictionaries provides the following definition of entertainment: “…as an act ofproviding or
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Throughout Thus Today Video Violence Vorderer Wadsworth We Wealth With Woods: Work Written York: YouTube YouTube. a ability about above above, above. access accessible accessing accuracy acrobatic acrobatics acrobats, act action activities, activities. activity actors, adolescence adult adult. adults, advance advancement afford age ages ages, all allow allowed allowing allows almost also always among amuse amusement amusement. an ancient and animal anti- any appeared appears applications are areas, areas. around art as at athletics, attend attended attending attention attractions audience. audio availability available available. away away, banning banquets bars based basic basketball, basking bating. be be. became become becoming been beer began begin begun behavioural being between blood board book books, boom boomed both bring broadcasted brought buskers: but by cameras, can car card carried carry cartoons carvings castles cave cellphones centered century championships chance changed changed, changes chases. childhood children children's choice choices choose choreographed church circus, civilizations civilizations. class classes classes. clips cock cognitive combined come comedy comfort comforts coming common commoners communal communicate. communication communities community compare comparing comparison compete competitions competitions, competitions. competitive complete complex concerts concerts, connect connectivity contemporary content continue continued continues control control, corners cost, countries covers criminals cultural culture current custom customs daily dance, dancers dancing dancing, day days days. decisions definition definition, demand. depended dependence described designed developed developing development development. developments, devices devices, dialogue different digital digital, dinner discussed disorder. disorders. displays division do done down dramas drawn drink” driving, during each early easier easier. ed.). effect elder elite elite. emails emotionally encourage encouraged end engage enjoy enjoyed enjoyment enlightenment, entertain entertained entertainers, entertaining entertainment entertainment, entertainment. entertainment: environment. equestrian era essay even event events events, events. everyone everywhere evil, evolution evolve evolved example example, exclusive exclusive, executions exhibition expensive. experiencing extinct. face fail fairs, fairs. families family festival festivals festivals, few fighting fights film, films films, fine fingertips. first fishing. focus focused following food footage football, for form forms forms, forum free friends. frog from funny further future futures futures. gaiety, gain galleries, game games games, games. gaps gather gatherings general generation girls. give giving gladiator go going golf, good grand graphics gratification grew, gross group. growth guests gymnasts had handbook happiness has have heroes hierarchal hiking hire history history, hockey. holding home home, homes homes. houses how http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/entertainment?q=entertainment hundred hunt hunters hunters. hunting iPad iPads iPads, iPod ice if immediacy immediate important impulse impulsive in include included increasing individual individuals indulged industry influences information information, informed instead integrate interact interacting. interaction interactions interactive interest internet interpersonal into intrapersonal inventions. is isolated issues issues. it it. its just kings know knowledge knowledge» known labor lack land language language' lap last late leap led legends leisure less letter life like likely line listening live live. load longer lose losing lost. lot love lower made main maintain major making man. many mass masses may meaning. meanings meant media meet meetings members mentioned merriment, merry millennia millions mind misinformation misinformed missing misspelling mobile modes moral morals morals. more motor moved movie movie, movie. movies, movies. moving multiplayer museums, music music, musicals, nations nature-deficit needed needs new news, next nightclubs, no nobility, nomadic not now number nurses'. observations observe, observed of often old older oldest on one oneself online online). only onto open opera opera, opportunity or order organize organized organized, original other other. others others, others. our ourselves out outcasts, outline outside outside, over own own. ownership, p. pacify paganism painting paintings paper. parades. parks, part participate particular particularly parties, pass passed passive past past. peers, peers. people people's people, people. performance, performances performances, performed performers performing personal personalized personalizing phones phones, physical place places planned play played player, players playing plays playwrights, pleasure pleasure. poetry poetry, political popular popular. popularity portable portable, possibly practice practiced pre-recorded prefer presence present present, previously, productions, professional. progressed promote proper provide provided provides providing psychological psychology: public public, public. punishment puppet purpose purpose. pursuit put radio rally rather rating readily reading readings realistic. received receiving record refinement regulate release reliance religious rely remained rest resulted retell retold revolution rise risk robbers', role ruling said saint same. satisfying saving scores, screen. sculpture see, sentences series, serving sets, settlements. sharing showing shows shows, shows. significant silver similar simple, singing sites skills skills, slows smart social societal societies societies. society society. soirees some somewhat song, songs, source spectator spend spent sport, sporting sports sports, squares, stand starting state stay stories stories, storytelling, street strength. structure such support sure suspense. system take taken taking teach teaching technological technologies technologies, technologies. technology technology, television than that the theatre theatre, theatres theatres, theatrical their them them, them. themselves themselves. then there these they this this, those though thought thrillers through thus tickets tickets, time time, time. times to today today's today. today’s together took tops. tournaments, towards town toys traditions tragedy tragedy. treatments tried turnout. type types unable unemployed. until unwilling up upper us use used using usually various versus very via video videos videos. view views villains, vital vs. vulgar want was watch watching way ways ways. we well were what when whenever where wherever whether which while who widens will with words work work. world world, world. would writing years, you young young, young. «The СDs “…as
Entertainment Today and in the Past and how it has changed People The online Oxford
Dictionaries provides the following definition of entertainment: “…as an act of
providing or being provided with pleasure or enjoyment while holding attention
and interest of an audience. It may take on a number of forms such as attending
an organized event or a performance, or any other activity that has been
designed to amuse and provide pleasure.