Small Business Dissertation Small enterprises are facing significant challenges to sustain their business growth due to the limited resources, inexperienced management, and lack of financia17631Words

Small Business Dissertation Small enterprises are facing significant challenges to sustain their business growth due to the limited resources, inexperienced management, and lack of financia17631Words


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Within Without Work Year Yes Yes) Yes, Yuli Zahra, Zelealem Zhan Zhang Zimmerer Zimmerer, [pic] [pic][pic] a ability able about about, above, academics accelerate accept accepted access accessible accessories accomplished accordance according accordingly account accounted accounting accounts accumulated accurate achievable. achieve achieved achievement achievement. achieving acknowledge acquaintances acquire acquired act acted acting action action, action. actions actions. actively actives. activities activities, activities. activity acts actual actually adapting adaptiveness, added addition addition, additional address adequate adequately adjustment administration administrative administrators. adopt adopted adopting adoption adopts advance, advanced advantage advantage’ adversity advertising advice advise advised advocate affect affected affecting affects affects. afford against age aged aggressive aggressively aggressively. aggressiveness aggressiveness, aggressiveness. ago; agree agreed ahead aim aims aims. al al., aligned all allocation allow allowed allowed| allowing allows allude alone along along, already also although always am ambiguity ambitious, ameliorate among amount an analysing analysis analysis, analysis. analytical analyze analyzing and and, annual another answer answered answering answers answers, anticipation any anybody anyone. apparel apparel, apparel. apparel/footwear appeal appeals appear applied applies appoint appraisal approach approach, approach. approach; approached approaches approaches. approaches? approaches’. appropriate appropriateness arduous are are. are? area areas argue argued arguments arise arising around artist artists artists. as ascertained ask aspects assembling asserted assess assign assist assist. associated assume assumption assumptions at attempting attention attitude attitudes attitudes, attract, attributes attributes, audience, audit audit. audited. authority authority, automatically autonomous autonomous. autonomously autonomously, autonomy autonomy, autonomy. available avoid avoiding aware awareness awareness, awareness. away back back. backed background background, background. background? backgrounds, bad banks. barriers base based based. basic basically basis be be, be. bear because become becoming been before before. begins behave behaved behavior behavior, behavior. behaviour behaviour, being belief believe believing benefit benefits benign best better between beyond bias big bigger billion billion, billion. bit blame blending block board body born borrowers both both, boundary brand brand, brand. branding brands brands, breath brief bringing bringing. broad broker broker) broker, brought budget budgeting; build building built bureaucracy business business).The business, business. business; businessees businesses businesses, businesses. businesses: businessman/women’s business’: business’s but buy buy/ buying by by, calculated calculated. calculating calculator calibrating campaign campaigns. can can’t capabilities capability capable capacity capacity, capacity. capital capital, capital. capitalization. capitalize capture captures card career carefully carefully, carefully. carried carry carrying case catch categories. categorised, categorising categorization category cause caution cent central centralization centralize centralized centre centred certain certainly chain challenge challenges challenges. challenging champions chance change change. changed changes changes." character characterise. characteriser characteristic characteristic, characteristic. characteristics characteristics, characteristics. characteristic’s characterize characterized cheaper chemical. chief choose choosing chosen circle circumstances circumvent citations- clams classify clear clearly clients). close closed closely clothing clothing. code, codes coerces collage collated collect collected collecting collection combinations. combined come comes coming commences, commercial commitment commitment. commitments, commitments. common commonly communicate communication communication. companies companies, companies. companies’ company company(microbusiness) company, company. company; company? company’. company’s compare comparing comparison comparisons compete compete, compete. competence competence, competencies competency competency, competency. competing competing. competition competition, competitive competitiveness competitor's competitors competitors, competitors. competitors.’ completed completion. complexity complexity. component components compound comprehend compromise compulsorily, concentrate concentrated concentrating concentration) concept conceptual conceptualization concerned conclude concludes conclusion conclusions, concomitance concur conditions conditions. conduct conducted conducting confidence confirm confronted, connect connection. consented consider considerable considered consist consisted consistencies consists constantly constrain constraint constraints constraints. construct constructed constructive construed. consume contacts, contentious. context context. contingent continual continue continuing contracted contrary contrast contrast, contribute contributed contributes contribution contribution. control control. controlled controlling coping copying corporate correct correlates correlation. correspondence cost could could| course covary create created creates creates. creating creation. creative creative, creatively creativity creativity, creativity. credit crisis, criterion critical critically criticism crucial crude crunch cultural culture culture, culture- cultures current currently customer customers customers, customers. cycle" daily data data, data. day-to-day de-pending deadly deal deal. dealing debate debated debates debt decentralization decentralization, decide deciding decision decision, decision-making decision. decisions decisions. decisively declining decrease dedicated deduct define define, defined defines definitely definition definition. defy degree degree, degrees delegation, delivering delve demand demand, demand. demonstrate demonstrated denoted depart department. departmentation depend dependable depending depends depict depth describe described describes design design, design. designed designing desirable desire, despite detached detail detailed detailing details determinate determine determined determining develop developed developing development development. developments. develops devised diagnostic did didn’t difference difference. differences differences- differences. different differential differentiation differently. differing difficult diligent dimension dimension, dimension- dimensions dimensions, dimensions. dimensions: direct direction direction: directly director, directors directors, directors. disadvantage discipline discourage discover discovering discretionary discussed discussed. discusses discussing discussion displayed disseminate dissertation dissertation, distinct distinguish distinguish; distribute distribution distributions. distributions.’ distributor distributors diverse diversify divulges do do. document documented does does, dollar dominated don’t dose down downturn dramatic drastically draw drive driven due during dynamic e-journals. e.g. each earlier early ease easier easily easily, easily. economic economies economies. economy economy, economy. edge edge. edition educate educated educating education education, education. educational, effect effect, effect. effective effectively effectiveness effects effects. efficiency effort effort. efforts egalitarianism either electrical electronic electronic: electronics element elements embisous embraced emerging emphases emphasis empirical employ employed employees employees) employees). employees, employees. employing employment employment, enable enables enabling encourage encouraged encourages encouraging engage engaged enhance enhanced enough ensure ensures ensuring enter entered enterprise enterprise, enterprise. enterprises enterprises, enterprises. enterprises’ entire entirely entrants entrepreneur entrepreneur. entrepreneurial entrepreneurial. entrepreneurially entrepreneurially. entrepreneurs entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs. entrepreneurship entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship. entrepreneurship’ entrepreneurs’ entreprenrial entry entry, entry. envirnonment environment environment, environment," environment. environmental environments, environments. environment’ ephemeral equal error especially essential essential, essentially establish established establishing estimate estimated et et. etc etc. evaluate evaluate. evaluating even eventually ever-changing everyone evidence evident, evolved examine examined examines examine’s example example). example, example? examples examples? exanimate executives exercise exist existing expand expand, expand. expanding expect expectation expectation, expected expected. expecting expenses experience experience, experience. experience? experienced experienced, experiences experiences, experiences? experiencing experiencing. experimentation, expertise. explain explained explaining exploiting exploration explore exploring export express expressed extensive extensively extent extent, extent. external extremely face faced faces facing fact factor factor. factors factors, factors. factors: factors; facts fail fail, fail. failed failing failure failure, failure. failures falling familiar far fashion fashion. fashionable fast fastest fatal feel feels felt few fifth finalised finance finance, financial financially find finding findings findings. finds firm firm's firm, firm-level firm. firmly firms firms' firms, firms. firms’ firm’s first first. firstly fit fitting five flattened flexes flexibility flexibility, flexible flexible, fluctuate focus focused focuses focusing follow followed follower, following follows. footwear footwear, for for. foresee foresight form formalization, formalize formalized, former forms forms, formulation, forward forward-thinking forward. forwards. found foundation founder, founders founders, founders. founder’s four four: fourth free freedom frequent frequently from from: full fullest function functioning fundamentally further further. future future, gain gained gaining gamble gambles. garment/footwear gather gauge gave general generally generate generating generation get getting give given giving globalization go goal goal, goal. goals goals, goals. going good good. government grass great greater grew grid grid. grouping groups. grow grow. growing growth growth, guide guides had half half. hand, handlers hard has has, have have? haven’t having he he/ head-to-head heavy help helps hence here hierarchies hierarchy high high-even higher highlighted highly him, himself himself, himself. hinder hindered hinders hired his history hostile how however however, huge hugely human i.e., idea idea, idea-and idea-by idea/ ideas ideas, ideas. identified identify identify, identifying identity. if illusion image imbalances imitation impact impacts imperative impetus implement implement. implementation implementation. implication implied importance important important. impossible improve improvement improving in in-depth inaccuracies inception incline inclined include include: included including income. incompetence incompetence, incompetent incorporating increase increase. increasing increasingly independent independently independently, indeterminacy indicates indication indicators individual individual, individual. individually individuals industrial industries industry industry. ineffective inexperience inexperience, inexperienced influence influenced influences influence’s influencing influential informal informally information information, information. ingredient inherent inheritance inhibit initial initially initiation initiative initiative, innovate innovate, innovating innovating, innovation innovation, innovation. innovation: innovations innovations" innovations, innovative innovative, innovativeness innovativeness, innovators inside insight insightful insights instability instance instance, instead instead. instil instinct instruments, integral integration, intended intensions intensity intention intentionality intentions inter inter-interview interaction interest internal intertwine interventions, interview interview, interview. interview: interviewee interviewees interviewees’ interviewee’s interviewing interviews interviews, interviews. into intrapreneurial intrapreneurs intrapreneurship intrapreneurship. introduce introducing introduction introductions. invest investigate investigated investigated. investigates investigating investigation investment, investment. involve involved involves is is, isn’t issue issue, issues issues, issues. it it, it. it? its itself itself. it’s job jobs jobs, jolted journals journals, judging just keenness, keep key know knowledge knowledge, known lack lack. lacks language, large largely larger last latter latter’s launch lead leader leaders leaders, leaders. leadership leadership, leadership. leading leads learn learn. learned learning learning, leave legitimacy lenders lending less let level level, level. levels liability library life like likelihood likely limitation limitations limited line line, link linked linking list listed listen literature literature. live loans loans, local long long, longer longevity. look look, looks looks. loss losses low lower loyalty, made made. main mainly maintain maintained maintaining maintains major majority make maker makes making making, making. manage manage. managed managed. management management, management. management’s manager manager, manager. manager/ managerial managerially managers managers. managers’ manager’s manages managing manner manner, manufact5ure manufacture many map mapped maps margins market market. marketing marketing, marketing. marketplace marketplace. markets markets, markets. marks. mass matches material mature maturity, maximizing maximum may me mean meaning means measure measured measurement measures median medium meet meeting members. mentally mentions merely metal method method, methodologies. methods methods, micro micro-business micro-business, micro-businesses micro-businesses, micro-businesses. micro-enterprise micro-enterprises micro-enterprises. micro-enterprise’. microbusiness microbusiness, microbusinesses microbusinesses, might million mind, minded minority missing mistake mistake). mistakes mistakes, mistakes. mistakes’ mix mixture model models moderating modulate moment, money monitor monitoring months more mortality most mostly motivate motivating motivation motivations move movement moving much multi-pages music must my name narrowly national nature nearly necessarily necessary necessary. need needs needs, negative ness network nevertheless, new new, new-entry new-product newborn no no, no.6, non non-entrepreneurial non-government non-owning normal normative not notable notion, novel novel, now now. now? number numerous o objective objectives, objectives. objectives’ oblary obligation obligation, observe obstacle obstacles obstacles, obstacles. obstacle……………………………………………………………………………….38-40 obtain obtained obtained. obtaining obviate occupies. occurred. occurs of of: offer offered. offering offers officering official often old on on, on. one one: online. only onto open operate operate. operating operation operation, operation. operational operations operations, opinion opinions, opportunistically opportunities opportunities, opportunities. opportunities/ opportunity opportunity. opposed or order oreientation organic organisation organisation. organisational organization organization, organization- organization-level organization. organizational organizing orientated orientated. orientation orientation, orientation. orientation? orientations orientation’ orientation’. oriented, oriented. oriented’, original originality" originality, other our ourselves out outcome outcome. outcomes outlining outperform outside outsiders outsourcing over overcome overcome, overcoming overheads. overlapping own owned owner owner, owner-manager owner-managers owner-managers: owner. owner/ owners owners. owners/ owners/companies owners: owners; ownership ownership. owners’ owner’s owning own| p. pace. paid pan-European paper parameters part particular particularly partners parts parts, pass/ passed past path pay people people. per percent percentage perception perceptions performance performance, performance-A performance. performance: performance? performances performance’ performed perhaps, period period, perpetually person person, person. personal personality personnel perspective, phenomena; phenomenon. physical physically pioneers place. plan plan, plan. planned. planning planning, plastic play player players point point, pointing points points. policy’. poor poorly. popular position position, position. positions positive posses. possessing possibility possible posturing potential potential. power powerful pp pp. pp.135-172 pp.175-198 pp.24-48 pp.360-377 pp.403-411 pp.421-440 pp345-353 practical practical, practically practice practice-oriented practices practices, practices. practice’s, predict predicted predicting predictors predominantly predominate preference present press pressures prevent previous previously price price. primary primitively prior priory private pro-actively pro-activeness pro-activeness, pro-activeness. proactive proactive, proactively proactiveness proactiveness, proactiveness. probability probably problem problem, problem? problems problems, problems. procedures process process, process. process: processe. processes processes, processes. procurement produce produced product product-market production production. productivity products products, products. professional professionalization proficient profit profitable profits profoundly progress progress, progression progression. progressive progressively promising promoted promotion propensity properly proposed proposes prospective prosper prospered prove provide provided provided, provides providing provisionx prudential psychological psychology, public punishment purpose pursing pursue pursuing pursuit push put qualitative quality quality. quantitative quantities quantities, quantity question question, questionnaire questionnaire, questions questions, questions. quick quicker quicker. quickly raisen raising range rapid rarely rate rate. rates rather rational, rationalization rationally re-conned re-directed, re-directed. re-occurring re-sell. reach reached react react?" reactions reactive, realistically reality reality, realization realize really rearrange reason reasonable reasons receive recent recently recognise recognized recommend recorded recruit recurring reducing refer reference referred referring refers reflected reflective reflects regards regional regions regions, regularity rejected. relate related relates relating relation relations. relationship relationship, relationships relative relatively relays release relevance relevant reliable reliance relies rely relying reorganizing replace replication reply report represent representatives representatives, represents require required requirement requires research research, research. researcher researchers researching resource resource. resources resources, resources. respect respond respondent respondents response responses responsibility responsible restrict restricting result result, resulted results results, results. retail retailers retails, retain returns revealed revenue review review. revisits reward rich richer right rights risk risk, risk-averse. risk-return risk-taking risk. riskiness risks risks, risks. risky rivalry rivals rivals, role role. route’s rules run running sales sales, same satisfied scale scale’, schedule score scored scores scores: season, second secondary section sector sector, sector-specific. sectors, sectors. sectors: see seeking seeks seems seems, seen seen, sees segmented, seizing selected self-determined self-employed self-employment self-employment. sell sell, sell. selling selves semi-structured sense sensibilities series serious service service. services services, services. set setting settings settle several shape shaped share share. she shear shielding shoes. short-lived. should show shown shows significance significant significantly similar similar/dissimilar simple simply since sink situation situation. six size size, size. sized sizes sizes, sizes. skill skills skills, skills? slightly small small, smaller smaller, so so. social sole solely solid solution. solve solving solving. some something sometimes somewhat sophisticated sort. soul soundly source sourced sources sourcing space specialist specific specifically spell spirit sponsored sponsoring spot spousal sprit stabilising stability, stability; stable stage stage, stage. stage; stages stages. stakeholders stance standards start start-up start-ups started starting state stated stated, statistic statistically status stay step still stimulate stock stockist stop stores stores. stories strategic strategically strategically, strategies strategizing strategy strategy, strategy- strategy-making strategy. strength strength: strengths strewn strong strongly structural structure structure, structure.’ structure? structured structures structures. structuring struggle struggling students studies study study, study. style style, style- style. style: style? styles sub subjects, subjects. submitted substantial substantially succeed success success, success. success/ successful successful. successful? successfully successfully, such such, suffer sufficient suggest suggested suggested, suggests suitable summarize superiors supervised supplier supplier, supplier. suppliers suppliers, supply supply, supply. support supportive surely surrounding survival survival, survive survive. sustain sustainability sustainable sustained, sustaining system system, systems tackle tackling tactic tactic. tactics take taken takers takers, takes taking taking, taking. talents tape, target target. targeted targeting task teach team teams teams’ technical technique techniques, technological technologically technologies technologies, technology technology, telephone ten tenaciously. tend tendency tendency, tends term terms terms, test. testing text texts than that the the, their them them, them. them? themselves themselves, then theoretical theory there therefore therefore, these these, they things think thinking thinking, thinking.’ this this, those though thought threat three through tightening time time. times to to. together together, together. tone too tool top topic topic, topic,in topic. topics total total. totally toward towards trade trade-off, trading trading. trading? tradition traditional trainers training traits traits, traits: transcribed. transfered transition trend trend. trends trend…………………………………………….…15-18 trial tried triggered trust try trying turn turned turning turnover twSmall two two: type types typically typified typologies uncertainty uncertainty. unconventional uncover uncovered uncovering under undercapitalise undercapitalized understand understanding undertaken unearth unexpected unfettered unfortunate unique unique, unites units units, units. university unquestioningly, unstructured up upon urge urgent us use used used. useful user uses using usually us| utilised utilize utilized utilizing value value-added values, variables variables, variables. varied various vary vast vats venture ventures ventures, ventures. ventures: venture’. versus very via view view, view; viewing vision vision, vol. volumes von vote wages. want wanted wants wards was wasn’t way way, way. ways we weak weaker weakness weaknesses website websites. well well, went were what when where whereas whether which while whilst who whole whole. whose wider wild will willing willingness with within without word wording words, work work. workability, worked workers.’ working working, works would wound wrong year year. years years, years. yes yes, yet you young your | |0 |Ability |Accepts |Addresses |Aims |Appropriateness |Are |Barriers |Builds |Care |Change |Clarity |Consistency |Creates |Degree |Effectiveness |Encourage |Encourages |Extent |Importance |Interview |Question |Questions |Speed |The |These |Use |affect |allow |and |approach. |businessman |competence |creativity |degree |different |education |entrepreneurial |experiences |growth |influence |most |obstacles |orientation |orientation. |outside |question |questions |research |results |the |their |time; |to |types |understanding £200 £3,000 – ‘ ‘A ‘Blackwell ‘Business ‘Can ‘Clarifying ‘Corporate ‘Crossroads ‘Effective ‘Entrepreneurial ‘Entrepreneurship: ‘Experienced ‘Exploring ‘How ‘Management ‘Marketing ‘Small ‘The ‘Training ‘What ‘Work ‘a ‘because ‘entrepreneurial ‘first-mover ‘issues ‘my ‘risk-taking, ‘setting ‘space’ • …………………………….………………………33-35

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Small Business Dissertation 17631Words


Small enterprises are facing significant challenges to sustain their business growth due to the limited resources, inexperienced management, and lack of financial stability; micro and small businesses suffer relatively high mortality rate. It is essential for micro and small businesses to realize how to overcome these challenges. The finding of this study has significant implication for entrepreneurs, newborn business and small businesses in the UK by adopting entrepreneurial orientation factors to enhance their business performances and overcome their business obstacles. This dissertation investigates