DIFFERENCES BETWEEN QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH ENGLISH LANGUAGE ESSAY The aim of the dissertation is to examine the strategies construction professionals are adopting to survive t3286 WORDS

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH ENGLISH LANGUAGE ESSAY The aim of the dissertation is to examine the strategies construction professionals are adopting to survive t3286 WORDS

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3286 WORDS

The aim of the dissertation is to examine the strategies construction professionals are adopting to survive the economic slowdown, particularly by seeking work overseas. At present construction professionals are forced to flee Ireland in order to survive this recession. This dissertation will examine the difficulties and challenges facing these construction professionals moving abroad and how they adapt to working in these foreign countries.

The following report was undertaken in order to understand the processes involved with data collection and how to go about it in order to carry out the dissertation. The different types of data collection are explored and their advantages and disadvantages taken into account. This is attained through the critical analysis of qualitative and quantitative research, the different methods of data collection and the feasibility of each method. The positive and negative aspects of these research studies are explored to ascertain the benefits each would have in relation to the dissertation. For the benefit of this project and the chosen dissertation topic, I have chosen to research questionnaires, interviews and case studies.

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research sources hard and reliable facts on a topic area.