Dissertation, Alcohol Abuse The use of alcohol beverages goes a long time back. It is known that at least 6000 B.C. the first alcohol was consumed. In Ancient Greece wine was very popular, 13235Words

Dissertation, Alcohol Abuse The use of alcohol beverages goes a long time back. It is known that at least 6000 B.C. the first alcohol was consumed. In Ancient Greece wine was very popular, 13235Words


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yes yes, yes. yet yet, yet. you you? young younger youngsters youngsters. your youth youth. ´Korsakoff´. – –jus’ ‘ ‘ALCA ‘Advertising ‘Alcohol ‘BOB ‘BOB- ‘BOB’ ‘Bacardi ‘Beerenburg ‘Bessen-7up’, ‘Breezers ‘Centraal ‘Controlled ‘Criminal ‘De ‘Drivers ‘Geniet, ‘Het ‘How ‘Is ‘Jupiler’ ‘Malibu-cola’, ‘Martini’, ‘Nationaal ‘Rijksinstituut ‘Royal ‘Safari/Passoa ‘There ‘Through ‘Will ‘alcopops’ ‘best ‘best’ ‘cool’ ‘how ‘peers’ ‘student ‘teen ‘the ’ “Have “How “It “Just “The “They “When “people

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Dissertation, Alcohol Abuse 13235Words


The use of alcohol beverages goes a long time back. It is known that at least 6000 B.C. the first alcohol was consumed. In Ancient Greece wine was very popular, however alcohol was expensive and people did not consume a lot. This stayed this way until after the Middle Ages. The wines made at that time had a low alcohol percentage and putrefied very quickly. In the late Middle Ages the Arabic’s came to The Netherlands and brought their distillation techniques. With these techniques alcoholic beverages became more and more popular. Due to the fact that alcoholic beverages were