SOCIAL MARKETING: EFFECTIVE MARKETING TOOLThis paper tries to look into social marketing as an effective tool in influencing public behaviour. The concept of using social marketing in prac 4334 WORDS

SOCIAL MARKETING: EFFECTIVE MARKETING TOOLThis paper tries to look into social marketing as an effective tool in influencing public behaviour. The concept of using social marketing in prac 4334 WORDS

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4334 WORDS

This paper tries to look into social marketing as an effective tool in influencing public behaviour. The concept of using social marketing in practice went back to implementation of family planning programmes in USA in 1960s. But still social marketing has not evolved as a completely specialised discipline. In most of the cases excessive thrust on promotional aspect restricts social marketing from achieving desired behavioural change. Therefore for a better result social marketers need to manipulate all 4Ps. There were cases where marketing programme was successfully implemented for anti drug and anti tobacco campaign, improving the public health in USA and addressing occupational safety problems amongst young workers their by establishing that social marketing construct based on multi dimensions.

Need for such a study

More and more companies, Governments, NGOs are using social marketing as an effective tool in influencing individual behaviour. This approach is extremely helpful in implementation of various programmes in health related areas and wellbeing of society. Social marketing is used in anti tobacco campaigns, population control and other type of social welfare programmes in public health related areas. Therefore social marketing has a profound impact on the life of people particularly people belonging underprivileged section. So effective implementation of social marketing programmes is a must for human development.
