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There have always been certain groups in society that are discriminated against due to prejudices and preconceptions of the people with whom they have to deal.


The preconceptions are sometimes verbal but often not, and the people holding these preconceptions may well be unaware of the way that they see and judge things and people. The effects of these can be seen in the employment arena.




Equal opportunities is an approach to the management of people at work based on equal access and fair treatment irrespective of gender, race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or religious belief.


Women in Employment


Women form a large and increasing proportion of the working population. The idea of women working to support the family is not new.


Pay differentials between men and women have remained an issue, despite equal pay legislation. The Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (2006) reported that across all occupations, women earned 77% of male earnings in the same occupational group.