MAKING CHANGES BELIEFS When I started the class of philosophy of education, I didn’t know what important it is to know about it. This importance for me is more for others because there are peo 1300w
MAKING CHANGES BELIEFS When I started the class of philosophy of education, I didn’t know what important it is to know about it. This importance for me is more for others because there are peo 1300w
(1870-1952). (1874-1946). (1896-1980). (1995). (2010) (2010, (2012)Educational (2020), (980-1037). (UCA, (affective (affective). (cognitive (cognitive) 1. 1300w 2012, 2019.) 30, 5). According After Also Another Aristotle´s As Avicenna Avicenna´s BELIEFS Bagley Bagley´s Barnes Barnes, Because Boulder, CHANGES CO: Centroamericana. Chandler Create Doing Education Education. Ever Every Experience February For Go God H. Had. Have He However, Human Humans I Ibn If In Institution. Is It It’s Jacques Jean Learn Make Maria Model. Montessori Nel No Noddings, Nodding’s November Now One People Philosophy Piaget Plato´s Posted Press. References Repetition Retrieved Rousseau She Sina Smart So, Some Someone Such Take Teacher That That’s The There Therefore, These They This UCA UCA. Universidad Was We Westview When Who Why William Women You You, a abilities abilities; ability able about according account active adapt adapted afraid against all almost also always am am? an and and, another are are. as at attention avoid bad bad. be be: because become been being beings beings. beliefs beliefs. believe believed benefit better between beyond boy branches? businessmen. by called came can can’t capacities capacities. care caught central change change, change. changes changes. changing changing. children children, children. choices choose citation class classroom, clear combined come compete. completing compound conclusion, conscious conservative corrupt couldn’t create created. creatures. day days: decision decisions dedicated definitions depends develop did didn’t difference difference. differences different disability. divine do do. doing doing, domain) domain). doubt. drive e easier educated education education, education. else emotional emphasize even every everything everything. existentialist expands experience experiences experiences. explained express extraordinarily eyes faced fact facts. feeling feelings feelings, first five focuses follow for four freedom from future future. general girl. give go going good govern great had hand, hands has have have, he helped her her/his here? him history history. home home, how human ideas. if illness illness, imagination, impact impacts imply importance importance. important important? in infer innocent intelligence intelligence. interaction interesting interfere into involve is it it. it? its keep key kind kinds know knowledge knowledge, last leaders, learn learn. learning learning. less. lessons life life, limits love love. made make man matter me me. mean means memory. mental methods mind minds minds. mistakes moment. more motive much my natural nature. need never new new. no not now objective of omit on one ones only opened opinion, opportunity or order order. ordinary other others our own p. participants passionate past pedagogy”. people people, people. person philosopher philosophers philosophical philosophies philosophies. philosophy philosophy, philosophy. plans positively. practice prepare presence principal problems...its process processes process” progressive project promotes proposed pure put putting quarter question questions real reality. realized really receive recognize recognizing remembers repetition respect response retardation, right. said said: same same. saw say se second secret see she should similar similarities six skip smallest so society society. some someone something something, something. something? speak spirit stage stages stages, started state step step. steps stimulate strict strict. strongest strongly students studied studies study study, study. style. subject supports sure surprised take talent talents. talk teacher teaching that that’s the their them them, them. themselves. theories theory there these they things thinking this this, those thought thoughts thre(1712-1778). three through throughout time to together too, transform tremendously.” trough try two twoMAKING undertake useful useless view. void want wanted was wasn´t way ways we well were were: what when which who why wisest with without woman women´s words words, work worked world. would wrote years. you young your “. “UCA “phrenastheric” “soft “the “what
When I started the class of philosophy of education, I didn’t know what important it is to know about it. This importance for me is more for others because there are people that strongly believe in the impact that philosophy of education has in society. As Nodding’s words (2020), philosophy of education is “the philosophical study of education and its problems...its central subject matter is education, and its methods are those of philosophy “. In other words, philosophy of education has something to do with beliefs and ways to educated imply by philosophers through the history.
Therefore, there are five philosophers that caught my attention in the way that they explained their beliefs about education. The first one is Maria Montessori (1870-1952). This woman dedicated her worked with “phrenastheric” children, which means children with mental retardation, illness, and disability. If se dedicated her work for this, that’s mean that she studied about mental