A I The computer revolution has influenced everyday matters from the way letters are written to the methods in which our banks, governments, and credit card agencies keep track of our finances. The de

A I The computer revolution has influenced everyday matters from the way letters are written to the methods in which our banks, governments, and credit card agencies keep track of our finances. The de


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does doing doing. dollars dollars, done."[3] door down. driver driverless due during duties easier easy effects effects. elderly electrical electronic emulate, end endowed enjoyable enter entertain environment equal equations equipped essence even eventually every everyday everyone exactly example example, example. except exceptional exist exist. existed explain exploration. explore extend extraordinary eye. eyes fact factories fall family famous far far. faster feelings feet field field. figure finally finances. find first five flag flight flights. flow fly flying for for. force,” forge form formal forms founded four fraud from fuel, funding furniture further future future, future--the gain galaxies gases. gather generating generation give given global gods."[1] going good government governments governments, grand graph great greater grossly grow guidelines. guru habits had hand hand, handful handle hands happen hard hardware harms. has haunt have having having. he heading heart hectic help helping her hill him history home home. homes homes. hospitals how http://dsc.discovery.com/tv-shows/curiosity/topics/ways-artificial-intelligence-will-affect-our-lives.htm http://library.thinkquest.org/2705/ http://library.thinkquest.org/2705/history.html http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/artificial_intelligence.aspx http://www.openclinical.org/aiinmedicine.html huge human human-like humans humans. hundreds idea ideas identify if images impact impersonate importance impossible in incorporates increase indeed independent. industrial industry influenced influential information initiative input-output inputs inspired intelligence intelligence's intelligence, intelligence. intelligence: intelligence? 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The computer revolution has influenced everyday matters from the way letters are written to the methods in which our banks, governments, and credit card agencies keep track of our finances. The development of artificial intelligence is just a small percentage of the computer revolution and how society deals with, learns, and incorporates artificial intelligence. It will only be the beginning of the huge impact and achievements of the computer revolution.

A standard definition of artificial intelligence, or AI, is that computers simply mimic behaviors of humans that would be regarded as intelligent if a human being did them. However, within this definition, several issues and views still conflict because of ways of interpreting the results of AI programs by scientists and critics. The most common and natural approach to AI research is to ask of any program, what can it do? What are the actual results in comparison to human intelligence